Текст песни Pulp Fiction - Run Away

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Run Away
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03.07.2023 | 09:20:03
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As I walk along I wonder
What went wrong with our love
Love that was so strong

And as I still walk by
I think off the things we done together
While our hearts were young

I'm a-walking in the rain
Tears are falling,
And I feel the pain
Wishing you were here by me
To end this misery

And I wonder
She went away
Yes, I wonder, where she will stay
My little runaway,
Run, run, run, run, runaway

* * *
"Ты оставила меня"

Я прогуливаюсь в удивлении: что же пошло не так
с нашими чувствами, с нашей любовью?
Ведь они были столь сильными

И пока я иду дальше, я думаю о нашем прошлом,
О том времени, когда наши сердца были юными.
А теперь я прохожий под этим дождем, слезы капают из моих глаз, и я чувствую боль.

Я хочу чтобы ты была со мной и прекратила все мои страдания, я изумлен,
Почему ты оставила меня?
Я не понимаю, где
Теперь ты остановишься, малышка,
Почему ты оставила меня?

А теперь я прохожий под этим дождем, слезы капают из моих глаз, и я чувствую боль.

Я хочу чтобы ты была со мной и прекратила все мои страдания, я изумлен,
Почему ты оставила меня?
Я не понимаю, где
Теперь ты остановишься, малышка,
Почему ты оставила меня?
As I Walk Along I Wonder
What Went Wrong with OUR LOVE
Love That Was So Strong

And as i still walk by
I Think Off the Things We Done Together
While OUR Hearts Were Young

I'm a-walking in the rain
Tears are falling,
And I Feel The Pain
Wishing You Were Geere by Me Me
To end this misery

And I Wonder
She Went Away
Yes, I Wonder, Were She Will Stay
My Little Runaway,
Run, Run, Run, Run, Runaway

* * *
"You left me"

I walk in surprise: what went wrong
With our feelings, with our love?
After all, they were so strong

And while I am moving on, I think about our past,
About the time when our hearts were young.
And now I am a passerby in this rain, tears are dripping from my eyes, and I feel pain.

I want you to be with me and stop all my suffering, I'm amazed
Why did you leave me?
I don't understand where
Now you stop, baby,
Why did you leave me?

And now I am a passerby in this rain, tears are dripping from my eyes, and I feel pain.

I want you to be with me and stop all my suffering, I'm amazed
Why did you leave me?
I don't understand where
Now you stop, baby,
Why did you leave me?
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