Із азартом у очах
Із азартом у очах
Із азартом у очах
Звисатимеш руками
На його чужих плечах,
Із азартом у очах.
Із азартом у очах
Із азартом у очах
Із азартом у очах
Забуватимеш усіх,
хто мешкав у твоїх
брудних думках.
Із азартом у очах…
With excitement in his eyes
With excitement in his eyes
With excitement in his eyes
You will hang your hands
On his other people's shoulders,
With excitement in his eyes.
With excitement in his eyes
With excitement in his eyes
With excitement in his eyes
You will forget everyone
who dwelt in yours
dirty thoughts.
With passion in his eyes…