Текст песни Sam Cook - Save The Last Dance For Me

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Save The Last Dance For Me
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Sam Cook - Save The Last Dance For Me, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

You can dance every dance with the guy
Ты можешь танцевать любой танец с парнем,
Who gives you the eye,
Который приглянулся тебе, можешь
Let him hold you tight,
Позволить крепко прижимать тебя,
You can smile every smile for the man
Ты можешь улыбаться как угодно
Who held your hand neatly
Мужчине, который бережно держит тебя
The pale moon light,
За руку в бледном свете луны,
But don't forget who's takin' you home
Но не забывай, с кем ты пойдешь домой
And in whose arms you're gonna be,
И в чьих объятиях ты будешь,
So darlin' save the last dance for me
Поэтому, дорогая, оставь последний танец для меня

Да, я знаю, что музыка прекрасна,
Oh I know that the music's fine
Как искрящееся вино, иди и повеселись,
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun
Смейся и пой, но только пока мы порознь,
Laugh and sing but while we're apart
Никому не отдавай свое сердце
Don't give your heart to anyone,
И не забывай, с кем ты пойдешь домой
And don't forget who's takin' you home
И в чьих объятиях ты будешь,
And in whose arms you're gonna be
Поэтому, дорогая, оставь последний танец для меня
So darlin' save the last dance for me

Разве ты не знаешь, как я тебя люблю,
Baby don't you know I love you so,
Чувствуешь, когда мы касаемся друг друга
Can't you feel it when we touch,
Я никогда, никогда не позволю тебе уйти,
I will never, never let you go
Я безумно тебя люблю,
I love you oh so much
Ты можешь танцевать и продолжать
You can dance, go and carry on
Развлекаться до рассвета,
Till the night is gone
Но пора уходить, если он спросит,
And it's time to go
Одна ли ты и можно ли тебя проводить,
If he asks if you're all alone
Ответь ему "нет",
Can he walk you home,you must tell him no
Не забывай, с кем ты пойдешь домой
'Cause don't forget who's taking you home
И в чьих объятиях ты будешь,
And in whose arms you're gonna be
Оставь последний танец для меня
Save the last dance for me

Да, я знаю, что музыка прекрасна,
Oh I know that the music's fine
Как искрящееся вино, иди и повеселись,
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun
Смейся и пой, но только пока мы порознь,
Laugh and sing but while we're apart
Никому не отдавай свое сердце,
Don't give your heart to anyone,
И не забывай, с кем ты пойдешь домой
And don't forget who's takin' you home
И в чьих объятиях ты будешь,
And in whose arms you're gonna be,
Поэтому, дорогая, оставь последний танец для меня,
So darlin' save the last dance for me
Не забывай, с кем ты пойдешь домой
So don't forget who's taking you home
Или в чьих объятиях ты будешь,
Or in whose arms you're gonna be
Поэтому, дорогая, оставь последний танец для меня
So darling, save the last dance for me

О-о-о малышка, оставь
Ooooh baby won't you save
Последний танец для меня,
The last dance for me,
Пообещай, что оставишь
You make the promise that
Последний танец для меня,
You save the last dance for me,
Оставь последний танец,
Save the last dance
Самый последний танец
The very last dance
Для меня!
For me!
You can dance every dance with the guy
You can dance any dance with a guy,
Who gives you the eye,
Who liked you, you can
Let him hold you tight,
Let me hold you tight,
You can smile every smile for the man
You can smile as you please
Who held your hand neatly
A man who carefully keeps you
The pale moon light,
By the hand in the pale light of the moon,
But do not forget who's takin 'you home
But do not forget who you go home with
And in which arms you're gonna be,
And in whose embrace you will be,
So darlin 'save the last dance for me
Therefore, my dear, leave the last dance for me

Yes, I know that music is beautiful,
Oh I know that the music's fine
Like a sparkling wine, go and have fun,
Like sparklin 'wine, go and have your fun
Laugh and sing, but only while we are apart,
Laugh and sing but while we're apart
Do not give your heart to anyone.
Do not give your heart to anyone,
And do not forget who you go home with
And do not forget who's takin 'you home
And in whose embrace you will be,
And in which arms you're gonna be
Therefore, my dear, leave the last dance for me
So darlin 'save the last dance for me

Do not you know how I love you,
Baby do not you know I love you so,
Feel when we touch each other
Can not you feel it when we touch,
I'll never, never let you go,
I will never, never let you go
I love you madly,
I love you oh so much
You can dance and continue
You can dance, go and carry on
Have fun before dawn,
Till the night is gone
But it's time to leave, if he asks,
And it's time to go
Whether you alone can conduct you,
If he asks if you're all alone
Answer him & quot; no & quot ;,
Can you walk home
Do not forget who you go home with
'Cause do not forget who's taking you home
And in whose embrace you will be,
And in which arms you're gonna be
Leave the last dance for me
Save the last dance for me

Yes, I know that music is beautiful,
Oh I know that the music's fine
Like a sparkling wine, go and have fun,
Like sparklin 'wine, go and have your fun
Laugh and sing, but only while we are apart,
Laugh and sing but while we're apart
Do not give your heart to anyone,
Do not give your heart to anyone,
And do not forget who you go home with
And do not forget who's takin 'you home
And in whose embrace you will be,
And in which arms you're gonna be,
Therefore, dear, leave the last dance for me,
So darlin 'save the last dance for me
Do not forget who you go home with
So do not forget who's taking you home
Or in whose embrace you will be,
Or in which arms you're gonna be
Therefore, my dear, leave the last dance for me
So darling, save the last dance for me

Oh, oh, baby, leave it alone.
Ooooh baby will not you save
The last dance for me,
The last dance for me,
Promise that you will leave
You make the promise that
The last dance for me,
You save the last dance for me,
Leave the last dance,
Save the last dance
The Last Dance
The very last dance
For me!
For me!
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