Текст песни r a i s e d by s w a n s - w e w e r e never young

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w e w e r e never young
Дата добавления
25.03.2019 | 22:20:05
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From every room hearts spoke through walls too thin to hold
the weight of what they heard
So fires crept through spaces long left soft & blurred

Notes slipped under the doors
frozen to the floor we believed everything
leaves blown beneath the eaves
whirring like a nest of wound-up starlings

We were young
we didn t heed those things
if birds were singing we were loved

We were young
like the universe
like our mothers were
like these words


Из каждой комнаты из-за слишком тонких стен доносилось биение сердец 
Вес того, что они слышали
И огни проскальзывали сквозь щели, надолго оставляя мягкий и размытый свет

Записки, подброшенные под двери
Примёрзшие к полу, мы верили всему
Листья, занесённые ветром под карниз
Шумят как гнездо рассерженных скворцов

Мы были молоды
Мы не обращали внимание на эти вещи
Если птицы пели
Мы были любимы

Мы были молоды
Как вселенная
Как наши матери
Как эти слова
From every room
the weight of what they heard
So fires crept through spaces long left soft & amp; blurred

Notes slipped under the doors
frozen to the floor
leaves blown beneath the eaves
whirring like a nest of wound-up starlings

We were young
we didn t heed those things
if birds were singing we were loved

We were young
like the universe
like our mothers were
like these words


From every room because of too thin walls came the beating of hearts.
The weight of what they heard
And the lights slipped through the cracks, leaving a soft and blurry light for a long time.

Notes thrown under the door
Frozen to the floor, we believed everything
The leaves brought by the wind under the eaves
Rustle like a nest of angry starlings

We were young
We did not pay attention to these things.
If the birds sang
We were loved

We were young
Like the universe
Like our mothers
How are these words
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