Текст песни Royksopp - Here She Comes Again

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Here She Comes Again
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17.02.2015 | 11:47:15
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Royksopp - Here She Comes Again, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

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here she comes again
troubles on her brow
here she comes again
with worries she can't hide

who can stop the rain
pouring down inside
who can keep her sane
and give her piece of mind

here she comes again
covered up in blame
such a pretty face
such a sorrow in her eyes

do you wanna know
what's killing her inside
do you dare to walk
the alleys of her mind

here she comes again
troubles on her brow
here she comes again
with worries she can't hide

will you let it show
will you cross the line
will you take her home
and tell her she'll be fine

Вот и снова она
Проблемы написаны на её лбу
Вот и снова она
С тревогами, которые не может скрыть

Кто может остановить дождь
Льющий внутри
Кто может сохранить её рассудок
И отдать ей часть разума

Вот и снова она
Охваченная виной
Такое симпатичное лицо
Такая печаль в её глазах

Хочешь ли ты знать
Что убивает её изнутри
Смеешь ли ты пройтись по
Аллеям её разума

Вот и снова она
Проблемы написаны на её лбу
Вот и снова она
С тревогами, которые не может скрыть

Откроешься ли ты
Пересечешь ли черту
Отведешь ли её домой
И скажешь ей, что она будет в порядке
here she comes again
troubles on her brow
here she comes again
with worries she can not hide

who can stop the rain
pouring down inside
who can keep her sane
and give her piece of mind

here she comes again
covered up in blame
such a pretty face
such a sorrow in her eyes

do you wanna know
what's killing her inside
do you dare to walk
the alleys of her mind

here she comes again
troubles on her brow
here she comes again
with worries she can not hide

will you let it show
will you cross the line
will you take her home
and tell her she'll be fine

Here again, it is
Problems written on her forehead
Here again, it is
With anxiety, which can not hide

Who can stop the rain
pouring inside
Who can save her sanity
And give her the piece of mind

Here again, it is
Overcome with guilt
Such a pretty face
Such sadness in her eyes

Do you want to know
What kills it from the inside
Do you dare to walk on
Alleys of her mind

Here again, it is
Problems written on her forehead
Here again, it is
With anxiety, which can not hide

Did you open the
If you cross the line
Otvedesh whether her home
And tell her that she will be fine
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