Текст песни Number Girl - Omoide in My Head

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Omoide in My Head
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31.03.2020 | 01:20:08
Просмотров 41
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ねむらずに朝が来て ふらつきながら帰る
誰もいない電車の中を 朝日が白昼夢色に染める
ああ制服の少女よ 気が狂いそうな青空と朝日の
俺は うすく目を開けて 閉じてそしてまた開く!!
現実と残像はくりかえし 気がつくとそこに
ポケットに手を突っこんで センチメンタル通りを
練り歩く 17歳の俺がいた
朝日は いまだ白くまぶしくて
だんだんクリアになってゆく 頭の中の想い出が遠ざかる
さあもう目を開けて 感傷のうずまきに沈んでゆく俺を
まぼろしに とりつかれた俺を
突き飛ばせ そしてどこかに 捨てちまえ
The morning comes without sleeping, I return home wobbling
Asahi dyes a daydream in a nobody train
Ah, the girl in uniform, the blue sky and the morning sun
Because of the bright white
I open my eyes thinly and close and open again!
Reality and afterimages are repeated.
Put your hands in your pocket and follow the sentimental street
I walk around – I was 17 years old
Asahi is still white and bright
I'm still waiting to take me back
It ’s getting clearer and my memories in my head go away
Now open your eyes and let me sink into the sentimental whirlpool
I was obsessed
Throw it away and throw it away
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