Текст песни edsheeran - allofthestars.

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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни edsheeran - allofthestars., а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

t's just another night
На дворе очередная ночь,
And I'm staring at the moon
И я любуюсь освещающей небо Луной,
I saw a shooting star
Я увидел падающую звезду
And thought of you.
И подумал о тебе.
I sang a lullaby
Я напевал вслух колыбельную,
By the waterside and knew
Стоя на берегу, и я знал, что
If you were here,
Если бы ты была рядом со мной,
I'd sing to you.
Я бы спел её тебе.

You're on the other side
Но ты по другую сторону,
As the skyline splits in two,
Там, где горизонт разделяется надвое,
I'm miles away from seeing you.
И я в милях от возможности увидеть тебя,
I can see the stars
Но эти звёзды
From America.
Мне видны даже здесь, в Америке.
I wonder, do you see them, too?
Интересно, ты тоже видишь их?

So open your eyes and see
Так открой свои глаза и взгляни
The way our horizons meet
На то, как встречаются наши горизонты,
And all of the lights will leave
И как все огни померкнут,
Into the night with me.
Окутывая тебя темнотой ночи, в которой мы вдвоём.
And I know these scars will bleed,
И я знаю, что эти шрамы от боли снова начнут кровоточить,
But both of our hearts believe
Но оба наших сердца верят,
All of these stars will guide us home.
Что все эти звёзды укажут нам путь домой.

I can hear your heart
Я слышу биение твоего сердца
On the radio beat,
В ритме радиоволн,
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
Играет "Chasing Cars", (1)
And I thought of us
И эта песня напомнила мне о нас,
Back to the time
О тех временах,
You were lying next to me -
Когда ты лежала рядом со мной, -
I looked across and fell in love
Я посмотрел на тебя и понял, что влюбился,

And so I took your hand
И я взял тебя за руку
Back to London streets and knew
И отвёз тебя обратно в Лондон, - и я знал,
Everything led back to you.
Что все мои пути всегда вели меня к тебе.

So can you see the stars
Так можешь ли ты увидеть эти звёзды,
Over Amsterdam?
Сияющие над Амстердамом?
And saw my heart is beating, too?
И видишь ли, что моё сердце всё ещё бьётся в такт с твоим?

So open your eyes and see
Так открой свои глаза и взгляни
The way our horizons meet
На то, как встречаются наши горизонты,
And all of the lights will leave
И как все огни померкнут,
Into the night with me.
Окутывая тебя темнотой ночи, в которой мы вдвоём.
And I know these scars will bleed,
И я знаю, что эти шрамы от боли снова начнут кровоточить,
But both of our hearts believe
Но оба наших сердца верят,
All of these stars will guide us home.
Что все эти звёзды укажут нам путь домой.

I can see the stars
Эти звёзды
From America.
Мне видны даже здесь, в Америке
t's just another night
In the yard next night
And I'm staring at the moon
And I admire the moon illuminating the sky,
I saw a shooting star
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you.
And I thought about you.
I sang a lullaby
I sang a lullaby out loud
By the waterside and knew
Standing on the shore and I knew that
If you were here,
If you were with me,
I'd sing to you.
I would sing it to you.

You're on the other side
But you're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two,
Where the horizon is split in two
I'm miles away from seeing you.
And I'm miles away from seeing you,
I can see the stars
But these stars
From America.
I can see even here in America.
I wonder, do you see them, too?
I wonder you see them too?

So open your eyes and see
So open your eyes and take a look.
The way our horizons meet
On how our horizons meet,
And all of the lights will leave
And as all the lights go dark,
Into the night with me.
Covering you with the darkness of the night in which we are two.
And I know these scars will bleed,
And I know that these pain scars will start bleeding again,
But both of our hearts believe
But both of our hearts believe
Guide us home.
That all these stars will show us the way home.

I can hear your heart
I hear your heartbeat
On the radio beat
In the rhythm of the radio waves
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
Playing & quot; Chasing Cars & quot ;, (1)
And I thought of us
And this song reminded me of us,
Back to the time
About those times
You were lying next to me -
When you lay next to me, -
I looked across love
I looked at you and realized that I fell in love

And so I took your hand
And I took you by the hand
Back to London streets and knew
And took you back to London - and I knew
Everything led back to you.
That all my ways always led me to you.

So can you see the stars
So can you see these stars,
Over amsterdam?
Shining over Amsterdam?
And saw my heart is beating, too?
And do you see that my heart is still beating in tune with yours?

So open your eyes and see
So open your eyes and take a look.
The way our horizons meet
On how our horizons meet,
And all of the lights will leave
And as all the lights go dark,
Into the night with me.
Covering you with the darkness of the night in which we are two.
And I know these scars will bleed,
And I know that these pain scars will start bleeding again,
But both of our hearts believe
But both of our hearts believe
Guide us home.
That all these stars will show us the way home.

I can see the stars
These stars
From America.
I can see even here in America
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