Текст песни Ed Sheeran - King of the Kings

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King of the Kings
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05.04.2024 | 13:20:04
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The Bastard Executioner Theme Song by Ed Sheeran

[Verse 1]
Born with a heart
That could ache more than beat
The mind of a killer
The soul of the meek
Flock with no shepherd
Is a vulnerable game
I can live without heart, without love
But I do need a name

Father, do you burn if your hand is in fire?
Does your head spin with rage when fooled by the liars?
King of the kings do you feel any pain?
Do you feel any pain?
Do you feel any pain?

Сердце мне данное
Болит чаще, чем бьется.
Разум убийцы,
Душою кроткий.
Стадо без крепкой руки —
Игра не для ранимых
Пусть буду жить без любви,
Но сохраню свое имя.

Отче всевышний, горишь ли ты,
Если руки твои в огне?
Окруженный лжецами,
Держишь ярость в себе?

Всем королям король,
Способен ли чувствовать боль?
Способен ли чувствовать боль?
The Bastard Executioner Theme Song by Ed Sheeran

[Verse 1]
Born with a heart
That could ache more than beat
The mind of a killer
The soul of the meek
Flock with no shepherd
Is a vulnerable game
I can live without heart, without love
But I do need a name

Father, do you burn if your hand is in fire?
Does your head spin with rage when fooled by the liars?
King of the kings do you feel any pain?
Do you feel any pain?
Do you feel any pain?

The heart given to me
It hurts more often than it beats.
Mind of a killer
Meek at heart.
A herd without a strong hand -
The game is not for the vulnerable
Let me live without love
But I will keep my name.

Father Almighty, are you burning?
If your hands are on fire?
Surrounded by liars
Do you keep your rage inside?

King to all kings,
Can you feel pain?
Can you feel pain?
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