Текст песни Duffy - Hard For The Heart

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Hard For The Heart
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05.10.2019 | 19:20:03
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Duffy - Hard For The Heart, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

Hard for the heart [2x]

I never chose to be poor for what's become of me
Nor did I choose this face,
I never thought life would be so hard to me,
I guess it's just my fate,
If these walls go up for me
They would pretty sure be up and closed for so many days
If these walls go up for me,
They would tell me I'd be so lost for so many years,

I'm looking for safety,
What's it all about,
Will somebody tell me,
Take away this vow,

Life is a play and we all play a part,
But it often gets hard for the heart [2x]

Hard for the heart

Who ever thought I would question mortality,
This given time and space,
Who ever said we belong to society,
The only human race,
If these walls gon' comfort me,
There would pretty sure be up and closed for so many days
If these walls gon' talk to me,
They would tell me I'd be so lost for so many years

I am looking for safety,
What's it all about,
Will somebody tell me
Take away this vow,

Life is a play and we all play a part,
But it often gets hard for the heart [2x

Сердцу тяжело [2x]

Я не собираюсь страдать от того, что со мной стало
И я не выбирала это лицо.
Никогда не думала, что жизнь будет для меня такой трудной,
Пожалуй, такова моя судьба.
Если эти стены обступят меня,
Такие высокие и неприступные, то на многие дни.
Если эти стены обступят меня,
Они скажут, что я на многие годы буду потеряна...

Я ищу защиты,
В чём её смысл?
Я хочу найти того, кто мне скажет:
Забери эту клятву обратно.

Жизнь - игра, и все мы играем в ней роль,
Но часто нашему сердцу тяжело её играть [2x]

Сердцу тяжело

Кто мог подумать о том, что я усомнюсь в смертных,
В этом, данном нам пространстве и времени.
Кто сказал, что мы принадлежим обществу,
Единственному человеческому роду?
Если эти стены будут утешать меня,
Такие высокие и неприступные, то на многие дни.
Если эти стены заговорят со мной,
Они скажут, что я на многие годы буду потеряна...

Я ищу защиты,
Это – всё, что мне нужно
Я хочу найти того, кто мне скажет:
Забери эту клятву обратно

Жизнь - игра, и все мы играем в ней роль,
Но часто нашему сердцу тяжело её играть [2x]
Hard for the heart [2x]

I never chose to be poor for what's become of me
Nor did I choose this face,
I never thought life would be so hard to me,
I guess it's just my fate,
If these walls go up for me
They would pretty sure be up and closed for so many days
If these walls go up for me,
They would tell me I'd be so lost for so many years,

I'm looking for safety,
What's it all about,
Will somebody tell me,
Take away this vow,

Life is a play and we all play a part,
But it often gets hard for the heart [2x]

Hard for the heart

Who ever thought I would question mortality,
This given time and space,
Who ever said we belong to society,
The only human race,
If these walls gon 'comfort me,
There would be pretty sure be up and closed for so many days
If these walls gon 'talk to me,
They would tell me I'd be so lost for so many years

I am looking for safety,
What's it all about,
Will somebody tell me
Take away this vow,

Life is a play and we all play a part,
But it often gets hard for the heart [2x

Heart is hard [2x]

I'm not going to suffer from what has become of me
And I did not choose this face.
I never thought life would be so hard for me
Perhaps this is my fate.
If these walls surround me
So tall and impregnable, then for many days.
If these walls surround me
They will say that for many years I will be lost ...

I'm looking for protection
What is its meaning?
I want to find someone to tell me:
Take this oath back.

Life is a game, and we all play a role in it,
But often it’s hard for our heart to play it [2x]

It's hard for the heart

Who would have thought that I would doubt mortals,
In this space and time given to us.
Who said we belong to society
The only human race?
If these walls will comfort me
So tall and impregnable, then for many days.
If these walls speak to me
They will say that for many years I will be lost ...

I'm looking for protection
It's all I need
I want to find someone to tell me:
Take this oath back

Life is a game, and we all play a role in it,
But often it’s hard for our heart to play it [2x]
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