Текст песни Dark The Suns - Rimed With Frost

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Rimed With Frost
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28.05.2019 | 20:20:54
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Dark The Suns - Rimed With Frost, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

In silence we dwell
Beneath the veil of winter
On this freezing ground
Buried by waves of snow

In cold lifeless light, in northern night
We'll lay down and sleep under the wings
We are still here, rimed with frost
There won't be down, no down for us

You were my angel
In this quite world
Now we are buried down
By the snow that keeps on falling

Мы остаемся в тишине
Под зановесом зимы
На этой промерзшей земле
Похороненые в волнах снега

В холоде безжизненного света, северной ночью
Мы легли и уснули под крыльями
И остались здесь, застывшие от мороза
Где не будет поверхности, она не для нас

Ты мой ангел
В этом совершенном мире
Теперь мы похоронены внизу
Под снегом который не прекращает падать...
In silence we dwell
Beneath the veil of winter
On this freezing ground
Buried by waves of snow

In cold lifeless light, in northern night
We'll lay down and sleep under the wings
We are still here, rimed with frost
There will be no down for us

You were my angel
In this quite world
Now we are buried down
That keeps on falling

We stay in silence
Under the curtain of winter
On this frozen ground
Buried in the snow

In the cold of lifeless light, the northern night
We lay down and fell asleep under the wings
And stayed here, frozen by frost
Where there will be no surface, it is not for us

You my angel
In this perfect world
Now we are buried below
Under the snow that does not stop falling ...
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