Въ дéнь предсуббóтный, внегдá насели́ся земля́, хвалá пѣ́сни Дави́ду.
Госпóдь воцари́ся, въ лѣ́поту облечéся: облечéся Госпóдь въ си́лу и препоя́сася: и́бо утверди́ вселéнную, я́же не подви́жится.
Готóвъ престóлъ твóй оттóлѣ: от вѣ́ка ты́ еси́.
Воздвигóша рѣ́ки, Гóсподи, воздвигóша рѣ́ки глáсы своя́:
вóзмутъ рѣ́ки сотрéнiя своя́, от гласóвъ вóдъ мнóгихъ. 5Ди́вны высоты́ морскíя: ди́венъ въ высóкихъ Госпóдь.
6Свидѣ́нiя твоя́ увѣ́ришася зѣлó.
Дóму твоемý подобáетъ святы́ня, Гóсподи, въ долготý днíй.
In the day before, the land was inhabited, praise David.
The Lord reigns, he is clothed with flesh: he will clothe the Lord with strength and girdle: for confirm the universal, it will not move.
Gotov has ceased to be yours: from the beginning you are.
Lifting the Rooks, the Gospods, erecting the ruki of their own words:
they will bring their neighbors together, from the voice of others. 5Siviny of the height of the sea: a divan in the high Gospod.
6Seed your eyes to be cleared.
Your house is like a shrine, Gospodi, in the long day.