Текст песни 3.Lexx - Brunnen G

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Brunnen G
Дата добавления
03.09.2018 | 19:20:06
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We are the Brunnen-G // Мы - Бруннен-Джи
And we once were great, // И однажды мы были великими
And I must say to you it is not too late, // И я должен сказать - еще не совсем поздно,
We may die, but we must fight, // Мы можем погибнуть, но мы должны сражаться
Let us act this very night // Давайте действовать именно этой ночью
Why should we lay down, and асcept this fate?! // Почему мы должны лечь и принять эту судьбу?!

We are the Brunnen-G, // Мы - Бруннен-Джи
we're waiting to die // мы ожидаем гибели
We celebrate the death // мы славим смерть
that will fall from the sky // что падёт с небес
We may die, but we must fight, // Мы можем погибнуть, но мы должны сражаться
let us fight this very night // давайте сражаться именно этой ночью
We are the Brunnen-G, we're waiting to die // Мы - Бруннен-Джи, мы ожидаем гибели

We are the Brunnen-G, // Мы - Бруннен-Джи
do we have no pride?! // Разве у нас нет гордости?
We must stand and fight - not commit suicide. // Мы должны встать и сражаться, а не совершать самоубийство
Come with me and we will fight, // Идемте со мной и мы будем сражаться
Turn them back this very night // Повернём их вспять именно этой ночью
We are the Brunnen-G, do we have no pride?! // Мы - Бруннен-Джи, разве у нас нет гордости?!

We are the Brunnen-G, // Мы - Бруннен-Джи
- we're waiting to die // мы ожидаем гибели
We celebrate the death and will fall from the sky // мы славим смерть, что падёт с небес

It is not to late to fight, // еще не слишком поздно сражаться
Come with me this very night // идемте со мной именно этой ночью

We are the Brunnen-G, we're waiting to die! // Мы - Бруннен-Джи, мы ожидаем гибели!

Will you come with me and fight? // Вы пойдете со мной и [будете] сражаться?

We will come with you and fight! // Мы пойдем с тобой и [будем] сражаться!
We are the Brunnen-G, we're waiting to die! // Мы - Бруннен-Джи, мы ожидаем гибели!

We are the Brunnen-G, we deserve to die! // Мы - Бруннен-Джи, мы заслуживаем [достойной] смерти!
We are the Brunnen-G // We are Brunnen-G
And we once were great, // And once we were great
And I must say it is not too late, // And I must say - it is not too late,
We may die, but we must fight, // We may die, but we must fight
Let us act this very night // Let's act on this very night.
Why should we lay down, and accept this fate ?! // Why should we lie down and accept this fate?

We are the Brunnen-G, // We are Brunnen-G
we're waiting to die // we expect death
We celebrate the death // we celebrate death
that will fall from the sky // that will fall from heaven
We may die, but we must fight, // We may die, but we must fight
let us fight this very night // let's fight this particular night
We are the Brunnen-G, we're waiting to die // We are Brunnen-Ji, we expect death

We are the Brunnen-G, // We are Brunnen-G
do we have no pride ?! // Don't we have pride?
We must stand and fight - not commit suicide. // We must stand up and fight, not commit suicide
Come with me and we will fight, // Come with me and we will fight
Turn them back this very night // Turn them back this very night
We are the Brunnen-G, do we have no pride ?! // We are Brunnen Ji, don't we have pride ?!

We are the Brunnen-G, // We are Brunnen-G
- we're waiting to die // we expect death
We celebrate the death and we will fall from the sky // we praise the death that will fall from heaven

It is not too late to fight, // it is not too late to fight.
Come with me this very night // come with me this very night

We are the Brunnen-G, we're waiting to die! // We are Brunnen Ji, we expect death!

Will you come with me and fight? // Will you come with me and [will] fight?

We will come with you and fight! // We will go with you and [will] fight!
We are the Brunnen-G, we're waiting to die! // We are Brunnen Ji, we expect death!

We are the Brunnen-G, we deserve to die! // We are Brunnen Ji, we deserve a [worthy] death!
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