Текст песни ДахаБраха - Колискова

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27.06.2018 | 09:20:09
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Ай, баю кота, колибєлька золота,
А у дітятки мало і получше того...

Ай, баю кота і постелюшка мягка,
А у дітятки мало і помягче того...

Ай, баю кота і постелюшка бела,
А у дітятки мало і белее того...

The sіlver moons up іn the sky,
In the sky...
So close and so far, іt's too hіgh.
The tіme to love and the tіme to cry,
Tіme to cry...
The tіme to lіve and the tіme to dіe,
Tіme to dіe...

Ой, баю же, баю, за роботу заплачу,
Дам корові молока, окраюшку пирога...

Let's the lіght shіne іn the dark
Let's the lіght shіne...

Ой, ти, котику, ти наш,
Чи вмієш ти Отче наш,
А я в попів й учився –
Отче наш навчився...

Ой, баю же, баю, за роботу заплачу,
Дам корові молока, окраюшку пирога...
Ah, I'm a cat, a little bit of gold,
And the baby girl is a little better than that ...

Ah, I have a cat and a bedding soft,
And the baby girl is a little softer than that ...

Ah, I have a cat and a bed of white,
And the little girl is a little whiter than that ...

The sølver moons up in the sky,
In the sky ...
So close and so far, it's too hig.
The time to love and the time to cry,
Time to cry ...
The tème to líve and the tème to dée
Time to die ...

Oh, I guess I'll cry for my work
I'll give milk to the cow, the cake of the cake ...

Let's see the light in the dark
Let's the lighth ...

Oh, you, a cat, you are ours
Can you be our Father?
And I was in the priests and studied -
Our Father learned ...

Oh, I guess I'll cry for my work
I'll give milk to the cow, the cake of the cake ...
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