Текст песни teen suicide - Afterlife Dating

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Afterlife Dating
Дата добавления
22.08.2014 | 16:27:33
Просмотров 226
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there's so much we could do if i wasn't dead
we'd go for walks in the rain if i had legs
but i only have bones
and soon they'll have turned into dust
i can only see you from far away
how i wish i could get out of this grave
we could fall in love
but soon i'll have turned back to dust
так много мы могли бы сделать,
если я бы не был мертв
мы бы гуляли под дождем,если бы у меня были ноги,
но у меня только кости
да и они скоро превратятся в пыль
я только могу наблюдать за тобой издалека
как бы я хотел суметь выбраться из этой могилы
мы могли бы влюбиться
но скоро я превращусь в прах
there's so much we could do if i was not dead
 we'd go for walks in the rain if i had legs
 but i only have bones
 and soon they'll have turned into dust
 i can only see you from far away
 how i wish i could get out of this grave
 we could fall in love
 but soon i'll have turned back to dust
so much we could do ,
if I would not be dead
We would walk in the rain, if I had legs
but I only bone
Yes, and they will soon turn into dust
I can only watch you from afar
I wish I could manage to get out of this grave
we could fall in love
but soon I will turn to dust
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