Текст песни The Phoenix Foundation - Burning Wreck

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Burning Wreck
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17.01.2021 | 11:20:19
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни The Phoenix Foundation - Burning Wreck, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

Last night I took a wrong turn
In the dark I took a wrong turn, I, I
And the motorway was empty
I got a little bit scared in the dark

Yeah, I got a little bit scared of my possible death
Stuck in a burning wreck of the pain

And by, by the time I got to Johnsonville
I made up my mind parked by my favorite wall

In the light looked mean old death in the eye
Said I've seen your shadow, it's there all the time
It's there all the time, it's there all the time until it's gone


Прошлой ночью совершил я неправильный поворот,
В темноте совершил я неправильный поворот, я-я...
И дорога была пуста,
А я немного испугался темноты.

Да, я немного испугался своей возможной смерти,
Я застрял в горящих обломках боли.

А когда я уже добрался до Джонсонвилла,
То решил припарковаться у своей любимой стены.

И в том свете смерть выглядела очень зловеще,
Она сказала, что видела мою тень, и она всё время здесь,
Она всё время здесь, всё время здесь, пока я не умру.
Last night I took a wrong turn
In the dark I took a wrong turn, I, I
And the motorway was empty
I got a little bit scared in the dark

Yeah, I got a little bit scared of my possible death
Stuck in a burning wreck of the pain

And by, by the time I got to Johnsonville
I made up my mind parked by my favorite wall

In the light looked mean old death in the eye
Said I've seen your shadow, it's there all the time
It's there all the time, it's there all the time until it's gone


I took a wrong turn last night
In the dark, I made a wrong turn, II ...
And the road was empty
And I was a little scared of the dark.

Yes, I was a little scared of my possible death,
I'm stuck in the burning wreckage of pain.

And when I got to Johnsonville,
Then he decided to park at his favorite wall.

And in that light, death looked very ominous,
She said she saw my shadow and she's here all the time
She's here all the time, here all the time, until I die.
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