Текст песни The Notwist - Trashing Days

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Trashing Days
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30.10.2019 | 00:20:03
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Then i come in,
they go mad, hit my nose and
hit my back, break me every
single bone, throw me out just
like a stone. It's the corner. it's
the dress, small the town and
big the mess, that I cause with
every step, but still I walk,
nonetheless. They're skipping
backwards, they're trashing
days, is that all they're
believing in? Smash my head
to make it spin. It won't change
so come with me, just with your
eyes I will see. just with your
arms I can hold, and keep
away them dump and cold.

Затем я вхожу,
они сходят с ума, бьют меня по носу и по спине, сломайте каждую мою кость, выбросьте меня как камень.
Это - тупик.
Это платье, маленький город и
большой беспорядок, который я вызываю
каждым шагом, но тем не менее я иду,
тем не менее.
Это дни погрома.
Это то, во что они верят?

Разбейте мою голову, заставьте её вращаться. Это не изменится, так что идите со мной, только с вашими глазами я буду видеть.
Только с вашим оружием я смогу выдержать, и держаться подальше от мусора и холода.
Then i come in,
they go mad, hit my nose and
hit my back, break me every
single bone, throw me out just
like a stone. It's the corner. it's
the dress, small the town and
big the mess, that I cause with
every step, but still I walk,
nonetheless. They're skipping
backwards, they're trashing
days, is that all they're
believing in? Smash my head
to make it spin. It won't change
so come with me, just with your
eyes I will see. just with your
arms I can hold, and keep
away them dump and cold.

Then i enter
they go crazy, hit me on the nose and on the back, break my every bone, throw me like a stone.
This is a dead end.
This dress is a small town and
the big mess that I cause
every step, but nonetheless I go
These are the days of the pogrom.
Is that what they believe in?

Break my head, make it spin. This will not change, so come with me, only with your eyes I will see.
Only with your weapons can I withstand and stay away from debris and cold.
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