Текст песни Tele2 - Скажи свое слово

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Скажи свое слово
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Tele2 - Скажи свое слово, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

Текст: Расторгуев Александр
Исполняет: Куприн Максим

Ты идешь по дороге, но все куда-то мимо,
Тебя не радует жизнь, все как-то некрасиво…
Вокруг одно вранье, сплошные обещанья,
Твоя девушка «динамит» свиданье.
Говорит: «А смысл, ведь у тебя нет денег, ты вечно на нуле и плюс одни проблемы,
до тебя нет дозвона, на балансе минус, смени уже оператора, удали как вирус!».
Лозунг «С умом дешевле» взять за основу,
Говорят, в Tele2 вышел тариф новый, клевый!
Тарифный план «Опять дешевле», а ты не в теме?
Отбрось лень и сомненье:
Tele2 сломает систему!
Есть адреса отличные, где тебя подключат,
Будь смелее – тебя всему научат,
Как круто экономить на SMS и Интернете.
Звонить бесплатно хочешь? Тогда ты в Теме!
Тариф «Опять дешевле» и «SMS-свобода»
Тебя освободят от операторского гнета!
Ты подключился, и ее сердце забилось снова:
позвони своей подруге,
Скажи Свое Слово! :)

Hi there, my name's Garth. How are you?
I'm reppin Tele2 – the Russian division
Today you could make your greatest decision
Like I said we're Tele2, communication exceeder's
Pan European telecoms operatives – And market leaders
Don't take my word for it, we're just too legit – Millions agree
Provide a range of services, fixed line, mobile and cable TV
Calls to Moscow from adjacent regions, only 1.5 Rubles
43 regions, fastest growing Telecoms company – Noodles
That's what the competition is
Ain't got nothin on us
We started in Sweden, spread through Europe, Norway, Latvia, Dutch
Our mission – Offer you what you need for less
Our coverage – well we don't like to brag but...
Obviously the best
23 million Russian customers alone – If that amazes
Go on line check out our deals – And you'll be singin our praises
We could do cheesy usual jargon, but we don't do catchphrases
Just best prices, best deals, if this was a fire we're blazin
Okay I know I said that we don't do catchphrases
But we still got a motto – It's “Skazhi Svoye Slovo”
Translated – basically it's “Have Your Say”
So why not sign with us and have yourself a wonderful day!
Text: Distorguev Alexander
Performed by: Kuprin Maxim

You go on the road, but everything is somewhere
You do not please life, everything is somehow ugly ...
Around one lies, solid promise,
Your girl is "dynamite".
Says: "And the meaning, because you have no money, you are forever on zero and plus some problems,
There is no dialing to you, on the balance of minus, the change of the operator already, deleted as a virus! ".
Slogan "With the mind of cheaper" to take the basis,
They say that the TELE2 came out the tariff new, cool!
The tariff plan "is cheaper than", and you are not in the subject?
Garbage laziness and doubt:
Tele2 breaks the system!
There are addresses are excellent where you are connected,
Be bolder - you will teach everything everything
How cool saves on SMS and the Internet.
Want to call for free? Then you are in the subject!
Rate "Again Cheaper" and "SMS-Freedom"
You will be released from the operator's oppression!
You connected, and her heart beat again:
Call your girlfriend
Tell your word! :)

Hi There, My Name's Garth. How Are you you?
I'm Reppin Tele2 - The Russian Division
Today You Could Make Your Greatest Decision
Like I SAID WE'RE TELE2, Communication Exceeder's
Pan European Telecom Operatives - and Market Leaders
Don't Take My Word for It, We're Just Tooo Legit - Millions Agree
Provide A Range of Services, Fixed Line, Mobile and Cable TV
Calls to Moscow from ADJACENT REGIONS, ONLY 1.5 RUBLES
43 Regions, Fastest Growing Telecoms Company - Noodles
That's What The Competition Is
We Started in Sweden, Spread Through Europe, Norway, Latvia, Dutch
Our Coverage - WELL WE DON'T LIKE TO BRAG But ...
Obviously The Best.
23 Million Russian Customers Alone - IF That Amazes
Go On Line Check Out Our Deals - And You'll Be Singin Our Praises
We Could Do Cheesy Usual Jargon, But We Don't Do Catchphrases
Just Best Prices, Best Deals, If This Was a Fire We're Blazin
But WE Still Got A Motto - IT's "Skazhi Svoye Slovo"
Translated - Basically It's "Have Your Say"
So Why Not Sign With Us and Have Yourself a Wonderful Day!
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