Список исполнителей на букву T

The Police - Ghost in the Machine 1981
The Police, 1979
The Polygon
The Polyphonic Spree
The Poodles
The Pooh Sticks
The Poor
The Poor Devils
The Poozies
The Pop Culture Suicides
The Pop Group
the pop he fakes
The Poppy Family
The Pork Dukes
The Porridgeface
the Port Royal
the poseurs
The Posies
The Postal Service
The Postcards
The Postman of Nobel
The Postmarks
The Potbelleez
The Powder Kegs
The Power Station
The Power Station-
The Powers of Darkness Shall Rain Blood Upon This City For 500 Years
The Pravednicks' Band
The Prayer Boat
The Preal
The Preatures
The Prefab Messiahs
The Presets
The Presidents of the United States of America
The Presidents Of The USA
The Presunset Singer Guitar Recordings
The Pretenders
The Pretty Borns
the pretty rackless
The Pretty Reckelss
The Pretty Reckles
The Pretty Reckless
The Pretty Reckless - Going to Hell 2014
The Pretty Reckless - Light Me Up 2010
The Pretty Reckless 22
The Pretty Recless
The Pretty Rekless
The Pretty Rescless
The Pretty Things
The Price of Memories
the PRICE of ONE day
The Primary Void
The Primitives
The Primrose League
The Prince
The Prince of Egypt
The Prince of Egypt OST
The Prince of Tennis
The Princes
The Princess and the Frog
The Princess and the Goblin OST
the princess and the pauper
The Pringles
The Pringlez
The Pro Letarians
The Proclaimers
The Procussions feat. Talib Kweli
The Prodigi
The Prodigy
The Prodigy - Music For The Jilted Generation
The Prodigy - Narayana
The Prodigy - No Good
The Prodigy 2016
The Prodigy Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned
The Prodigy Back
the prodigy feat oasis
The Prodigy Megamix
The Prodigy The Day Is My Enemy
The Prodigy vs Destinys Child
The Prodijy
The Producers
The Product
The Professionals
The Prog Collective
The Progidy
the Prohibition
The Project Hate MCMXCIX
The Prom Kings
The Promise
The Promise Ring
The Prophecy
The Prophet
The Prostitutes
The Protest
The Protomen
The Prototypes
The Provenance
The Provoker
The Proxy