Текст песни Morcheeba - Enjoy The Ride

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Enjoy The Ride
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Morcheeba - Enjoy The Ride, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

Shut the gates at sunset
Закрой ворота на закате.
After that you can't get out
После этого ты не сможешь сбежать.
You can see the bigger picture
Ты видишь больше,
Find out what it's all about
Выясни, что это все значит.
You're open to the skyline
Ты открыт горизонту,
You won't want to go back home
Тебе не захочется домой.
In a garden full of angels
В саду, полном ангелов,
You will never be alone
Ты не будешь одинок.

But oh the road is long
Но путь долог,
The stones that you are walking on
Камни, по которым ты ступаешь,
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Лунный свет ведет тебя,
Feel the joy of being alive
Почувствуй, как здорово быть живым.
The day that you stop running
День, когда ты закончишь бежать -
Is the day that you arrive
Это день, когда ты окажешься там, где должен быть.

And the night that you got locked in
Ночью, когда ты оказался заперт,
Was the time to decide
У тебя было время все решить.
Stop chasing shadows
Прекрати гоняться за тенью.
Just enjoy the ride
Просто наслаждайся поездкой.

If you close the door to your house
Если ты закроешь дверь своего дома,
Don't let anybody in
Не будешь никого впускать,
It's a room that's full of nothing
Он станет помещением, наполненном пустотой,
All that underneath your skin
Крадущейся под твоей кожей.
Face against the window
Подойди к окну.
You can't watch it fade to grey
Ты не в силах смотреть, как все становится серым.
And you'll never catch the fickle wind
Ты никогда не поймаешь шальной ветер,
If you choose to stay
Если решишь остаться.

But oh the road is long
Но путь долог.
The stones that you are walking on
Камни, по которым ты ступаешь,
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Лунный свет ведет тебя,
Feel the joy of being alive
Почувствуй, как здорово быть живым.
The day that you stop running
День, когда ты закончишь бежать -
Is the day that you arrive
Это день, когда ты окажешься там, где должен быть.

And the night that you got locked in
Ночью, когда ты оказался заперт,
Was the time to decide
У тебя было время все решить.
Stop chasing shadows
Прекрати гоняться за тенью.
Just enjoy the ride
Просто наслаждайся поездкой.

Stop chasing shadows
Прекрати гоняться за тенью.
Just enjoy the ride
Просто наслаждайся поездкой.
Shut the gates at sunset
Close the gate at sunset.
After that you can't get out
After that, you cannot escape.
You can see the bigger picture
You see more
Find out what it's all about
Find out what it all means.
You're open to the skyline
You are open to the horizon
You won't want to go back home
You don’t want to go home.
In a garden full of angels
In a garden full of angels
You will never be alone
You will not be alone.

But oh the road is long
But the path is long
The stones that you are walking on
The stones you step on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
The moonlight leads you
Feel the joy of being alive
Feel how great it is to be alive.
The day that you stop running
The day you finish running
Is the day that you arrive
This is the day you will be where you should be.

And the night that you got locked in
The night you got locked up
Was the time to decide
You had time to decide everything.
Stop chasing shadows
Stop chasing the shadow.
Just enjoy the ride
Just enjoy the ride.

If you close the door to your house
If you close the door of your house
Don't let anybody in
You won't let anyone in
It's a room that's full of nothing
It will become a room filled with emptiness,
All that underneath your skin
Crouching under your skin.
Face against the window
Come to the window.
You can't watch it fade to gray
You cannot watch how everything becomes gray.
And you'll never catch the fickle wind
You'll never catch the crazy wind
If you choose to stay
If you decide to stay.

But oh the road is long
But the path is long.
The stones that you are walking on
The stones you step on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
The moonlight leads you
Feel the joy of being alive
Feel how great it is to be alive.
The day that you stop running
The day you finish running
Is the day that you arrive
This is the day you will be where you should be.

And the night that you got locked in
The night you got locked up
Was the time to decide
You had time to decide everything.
Stop chasing shadows
Stop chasing the shadow.
Just enjoy the ride
Just enjoy the ride.

Stop chasing shadows
Stop chasing the shadow.
Just enjoy the ride
Just enjoy the ride.
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