Текст песни Michael Bolton - All for love

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All for love
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11.10.2018 | 01:20:07
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Michael Bolton - All for love, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

Кто круче?

All for love

Все ради любви
The night becomes the dawn
To prove that love goes on
It's written in the stars and in my heart of hearts
With you is where I still belong
Through every page we turn
Each lesson that we've learned
Will finally set us free or bring us to our knees
But love is right and never wrong

We know we can say we gave it all
We gave it all for love
Each step of the way we gave our soul
We gave it all for love, all for love

In silent prayers I pray
What words could never say
To reach into your heart
No matter where you are
To promise we will find a way
To walk the road we've known
The road that leads us home
A million dreams I've dreamed in every one I've seen
The face of you and you alone

A lifetime goes by so fast
For the secrets that remain
Soon the future becomes the past
When I hold you again.
I'm gonna hold you forever

In silent prayers I pray
What words could never say
To reach you through the dark
To reach deep into your heart
And promise we will find a way

As night becomes the dawn
To prove that love goes on
Through every page we turn
Each lesson that we've learned
Will finally set us free or bring us to our knees
But love is right and never wrong
Ночь превращается в рассвет,
Чтобы доказать, что любовь продолжается.
Это написано звездами в глубине моей души,
Только с тобой я чувствую себя на своем месте.
После каждой перевернутой страницы,
Каждого усвоенного урока,
Мы или освободимся, или препадем на колени,
Но любовь всегда права и никогда не ошибается.

Мы знаем, мы можем сказать, мы отдали все
Мы отдали все ради любви.
На каждом нашем шагу мы отдавали душу,
Мы отдали все ради любви, ради любви.

В безмолвной молитве я прошу,
Чего никогда не скажешь словами,
Дотянуться до твоего сердца,
Как бы далеко ты ни была,
И обещать, что мы найдем путь
На уже известную дорогу,
Дорогу, ведущую нас к дому.
Миллион раз я мечтал и в каждой мечте
Видел только твое лицо.

Жизнь так быстро проходит,
Остаются только секреты.
Скоро будущее станет прошлым,
Когда я снова обниму тебя,
И никогда не отпущу.

В безмолвной молитве я прошу,
Чего никогда не скажешь словами,
Дотянуться до тебя сквозь темноту,
Дотянуться до твоего сердца,
И обещать, что мы найдем путь.

Ночь превращается в рассвет,
Чтобы доказать, что любовь продолжается.
После каждой перевернутой страницы,
Каждого усвоенного урока,
Мы или освободимся, или препадем на колени,
Но любовь всегда права и никогда не ошибается.
All for love
All for love
The night becomes the dawn
To prove that love goes on
Hearts of Hearts
With you is where I still belong
Through every page we turn
Each lesson that we've learned
Our knees
But love is right and never wrong

We know it
We gave it all for love
Our soul
We gave it all for love

In silent prayers I pray
What words could never say
To reach into your heart
No matter where you are
To promise we will find a way
To walk the road we've known
The road that leads us home
A million dreams I've been in every one I've seen
You are alone

A lifetime goes by so fast
For the secrets that remain
Soon the future becomes the past
When I hold you again.
I'm gonna hold you forever

In silent prayers I pray
What words could never say
To reach you through the dark
To reach deep into your heart
And promise we will find a way

As night becomes the dawn
To prove that love goes on
Through every page we turn
Each lesson that we've learned
Our knees
But love is right and never wrong
The night turns into dawn,
To prove that love continues.
It is written by the stars in the depths of my soul,
Only with you I feel in my place.
After each page turned,
Every lesson learned
We will either be free, or we will kneel down,
But love is always right and never wrong.

We know, we can say, we gave everything
We gave everything for love.
At each step we gave our soul,
We gave everything for love, for love.

In silent prayer I ask
What you never say in words
Reach out to your heart
No matter how far you are,
And promise that we will find a way
On the already known road
The road leading us to the house.
A million times I dreamed and in every dream
Saw only your face.

Life passes so quickly
Only secrets remain.
The future will soon become the past
When I hug you again,
And never let go.

In silent prayer I ask
What you never say in words
Reach for you through the darkness
Reach out to your heart
And promise that we will find a way.

The night turns into dawn,
To prove that love continues.
After each page turned,
Every lesson learned
We will either be free, or we will kneel down,
But love is always right and never wrong.
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