Текст песни Lullaby of woe - Untitled

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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Lullaby of woe - Untitled, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

Wolves asleep amidst the trees,
Bats all aswayin' in the breeze,
But one soul lies anxious,
wide awake,
Fearin' all manner of ghouls,
hags and wraiths
For your dolly, polly sleep has flown,
Don't dare let her tremble alone.
For the witcher Heartless cold, Paid in coin of gold,
He comes, he'll go,
Leave naught behind But heartache alone.
Dee dee ohh.
Birds are silent for the night,
Cows turned in as daylight dies,
But one soul lies anxious wide awake,
Fearin' all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths.
My dear dolly, polly shut your eyes,
Lie still, lie silent until no cries.
As the witcher Brave and bold,
Paid in coin of gold.
He'll chop and slice you, Gut and dice you,
Eat you up whole. Eat you whole.

Волки спят в глухом лесу
Мыши летучие спят на ветру
Одна лишь душа во тьме бредёт
Нечисти страшную гибель несёт

А с ладошку крошке не уснуть
Не оставь её ночью одну
Ведьмака страшнее нет
За горсть златых монет
Придёт и больше никого
ничто не спасёт. Не спасёт.

смолкли песни птиц в ночи
хлев в тишину погружен до зари
Одна лишь душа во тьме бредёт
Нечисти страшную гибель несёт

Ты ладошку, крошка, крепче жми
Не робей, не плачь И-не-смотри
Ведьмака бесстрашней нет
за горсть златых монет
Найдёт, придёт, тебя порвёт и мигом сожрет. Всю сожрет
Wolves Asleep Amidst the Trees,
Bats All Aswayin 'in the Breeze,
But One Soul Lies Anxious,
Fearin 'All Manner of Ghouls,
Hags and Wraiths
For your Dolly, Polly Sleep Has Flown,
Don 'Dare Leta Tremble Alone.
For the Witcher Heartless Cold, Paid in Coin of Gold,
He Comes, He'll Go,
LEAVE NAUUGHT Behind But Heartache Alone.
Dee Dee OHH.
Birds Are Silent for the Night,
Coings Turned in as Daylight Dies,
But One Soul Lies Anxious Wide Awake,
Fearin 'All Manner of Ghouls, Hags and Wraiths.
My Dear Dolly, Polly Shut Your Eyes,
Lie Still, Lie Silent Until No Cries.
As the Witcher Brave and Bold,
Paid in Coin of Gold.
He'll Chop and Slice You, Gut and Dice You,
Eat You up Whole. Eat You Whole.

Wolves sleep in a deaf forest
Bat mice sleeping in the wind
Only the soul wanders in the darkness
The evil spirits are terrible death

But do not fall asleep with the crumb
Do not leave her at night one
The witcher is not worse
For a handful of golden coins
Nobody will come
Nothing will save. Will not save.

The songs of birds were silent in the night
Stroking in silence is immersed to dawn
Only the soul wanders in the darkness
The evil spirits are terrible death

You palm, baby, press tight
Not timid, do not cry and-no-look
The witcher is not a fearless
For a handful of golden coins
He will find, come, will tear you and devour you in an instant. All will devour
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