Текст песни Isabelle Fuhrman - The Glory of Love

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The Glory of Love
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10.09.2022 | 01:20:05
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Isabelle Fuhrman - The Glory of Love, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

You've got to give a little, take a little,
And let your poor heart break a little.
That's the story of, that's the glory of love.
You've got to laugh a little, cry a little,
Until the clouds roll by a little.
That's the story of, that's the glory of love.

As long as there's the two of us,
We've got the world and all it's charms.
And when the world is through with us,
We've got each other's arms.
You've got to win a little, lose a little,
Yes, and always have the blues a little.
That's the story of, that's the glory of love.

Ты должен немного дать, немного взять,
И дать своему бедному сердцу немного отдохнуть.
Вот о чем история, вот в чем слава любви.
Ты должен немного посмеяться, немного поплакать,
Пока облака не проплывут мимо.
Вот о чем история, вот в чем слава любви.

Пока нас двое,
Мир — наш, и он прелестен.
И когда мир пресытится нами,
Мы будем держать друг друга за руки.
Ты должен немного выиграть, немного проиграть,
Да, и всегда немного хандрить.
Вот о чем история, вот в чем слава любви.
You've got to give a lite, Take a Little,
And Let Your Poor Heart Break a Little.
That's The Story of, That's The Glory of Love.
You've got to laugh a lite, crry a little,
Until The Clouds Roll by A Little.
That's The Story of, That's The Glory of Love.

As Long as there's The Two of Us,
We've got the world and all it's charms.
And when the world is Through with us,
We've Got Each Other's Arms.
You've Got to Win a Little, Lose a Little,
Yes, and Always have the blues a little.
That's The Story of, That's The Glory of Love.

You have to give a little, take a little,
And give your poor heart a little rest.
That's what the story is about, that’s the glory of love.
You have to laugh a little, cry a little,
Until the clouds swim past.
That's what the story is about, that’s the glory of love.

So far there are two of us
The world is ours, and it is lovely.
And when the world is saturated with us,
We will hold each other's hands.
You have to win a little, lose a little,
Yes, and always have a little harass.
That's what the story is about, that’s the glory of love.
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