Текст песни I-Doser - Spice Melange

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Spice Melange
Дата добавления
23.11.2020 | 01:20:09
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Spice Melange / Fictional (VERY STRONG)/ 30 Minutes Spice Melange is the most intense fictional drug we offer. Described by Frank Herbert in the book Dune, and the movie of the same name (TM De Laurentiis Productions) – it grants the user longer life, increased vitality, and in some people, precognition. Melange gives super-enhanced navigation and higher brain abilities. Side effects include subtle and temporary change in eye color, drowsiness and fatigue, sleepiness.

Спайс Меланж / Вымышленная (ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНЫЙ) / 30 минут специй Меланж является наиболее интенсивным вымышленный препарат мы предлагаем. Описанная Фрэнка Герберта в книге Dune и кино того же самого названия (TM Де Лаурентис Productions) â € "она предоставляет пользователю более длительный срок службы, повышенную жизнеспособность, а в некоторых людей, предвидение. Меланж дает супер повышенной навигации и более высокие способности мозга. Побочные эффекты включают тонкие и временное изменение цвета глаз, сонливость и усталость, сонливость.
Spice Melange / Fictional (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Spice Melange is the most intense fictional drug we offer. Described by Frank Herbert in the book Dune, and the movie of the same name (TM De Laurentiis Productions) â € “it grants the user longer life, increased vitality, and in some people, precognition. Melange gives super-enhanced navigation and higher brain abilities. Side effects include subtle and temporary change in eye color, drowsiness and fatigue, sleepiness.

Spice Melange / Fictional (VERY STRONG) / 30 minutes Spice Melange is the most intense fictional drug we offer. Described by Frank Herbert in the book Dune and the movie of the same name (TM De Laurentiis Productions) â € “it provides the user with a longer lifespan, increased vitality, and in some people, foresight. Melange gives super enhanced navigation and higher brain abilities. Side effects include subtle and temporary discoloration of the eyes, drowsiness and fatigue, and drowsiness.
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