Текст песни Front 242 - Controversy Between

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Controversy Between
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05.01.2020 | 05:20:07
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The time has come to stop out old affairs
To know our neighbours, to try to learn new ways

They've gone too far who do they think they are
To treat us like they do, we'll change the roles and soon
Now war's declared, my Lord what fools we were
To trust our neighbours, to let them share our lives

They've gone too far who do they think they are
To treat us like they do, we'll change the roles and soon
Now war's declared, my Lord what fools we were
To trust our neighbours, to let them share our lives


Настало время покончить со старыми делами,
Пора познакомиться с соседями, пора начать жизнь по-другому.

Они зашли слишком далеко - те, кто относятся
К нам, как к скоту, уверен, мы скоро поменяемся ролями.
Война объявлена, о Господь, мы были дураками,
Доверяя нашим соседям и делясь с ними нашим горем.

Они зашли слишком далеко - те, кто относятся
К нам, как к скоту, уверен, мы скоро поменяемся ролями.
Война объявлена, о Господь, мы были дураками,
Доверяя нашим соседям и делясь с ними нашим горем.
The time has come to stop out old affairs
To know our neighbors, to try to learn new ways

They've gone too far who do they think they are
To treat us like they do, we'll change the roles and soon
Now war's declared, my Lord what fools we were
To trust our neighbors, to let them share our lives

They've gone too far who do they think they are
To treat us like they do, we'll change the roles and soon
Now war's declared, my Lord what fools we were
To trust our neighbors, to let them share our lives


It's time to end the old things
It's time to get to know your neighbors, it's time to start life differently.

They went too far - those who belong
For us, as for cattle, I'm sure we will soon change roles.
War is declared, O Lord, we were fools,
Trusting our neighbors and sharing our grief with them.

They went too far - those who belong
For us, as for cattle, I'm sure we will soon change roles.
War is declared, O Lord, we were fools,
Trusting our neighbors and sharing our grief with them.
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