Текст песни Asking Alexandria - Not The American Average

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Not The American Average
Дата добавления
22.05.2022 | 09:20:04
Просмотров 34
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One step too late,
/Один шаг, но слишком поздно,/
And I never told you,
/Я никогда не говорил тебе,/
That I can't take
/Что не вынесу/
Another disappointment.
/Очередного разочарования./
Breathing and grasping all leads to another messy ending.
/Вздохи и касания ведут к ещё одному грязному концу./
Breathing and grasping all leads to another messy ending.
/Вздохи и касания ведут к ещё одному грязному концу./
One Step To Late,
/One step, but too late,/
And I Never Told You,
/I have never told you,/
That i can't take
/That I will not endure/
Another Disappointment.
/Next disappointment./
Breathing and Grasping All Leads to Another Messy Ending.
/Sighs and touch lead to another dirty end./
Breathing and Grasping All Leads to Another Messy Ending.
/Sighs and touch lead to another dirty end./
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