Текст песни Anathema - Lost Control

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Lost Control
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10.08.2018 | 20:20:12
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Кто круче?

Life has betrayed me once again,
I accept that some things will never change.
I've let your tiny minds magnify my agony,
and it's left me with a chem'cal dependancy for sanity.

Yes, I'm falling... how much longer till I hit the ground?
I can't tell you why I'm breaking down.
Do you wonder why I prefer to be alone?
Have I really lost control?

I'm coming to an end,
I've realised what I could have been.
I can't sleep so I take a breath and hide behind my bravest mask,
I admit I've lost control.

Потерян контроль
Жизнь снова меня предала.
Надо признать, многие вещи неизменны.
Я легонько натолкнул тебя на мысль, как усилить мои муки...
Я брошен, но я должен сохранить рассудок.

Да, я падаю вниз... долго ли осталось до приземления?
Я не в силах рассказать тебе, почему я разбиваюсь.
Ты не задумывалась, почему я предпочёл одиночество?
Неужели я потерял контроль?

Я приближаюсь к концу,
Воплощая в жизнь то, чем мне не суждено было стать.
Я не в силах спать, и мне стоит передохнуть, спрятавшись за маской отваги.
Да, я действительно потерял контроль...
Life has betrayed me once again,
I accept that some things will never change.
I've let your tiny minds magnify my agony,
and it's left me with a chemcal dependency for sanity.

Yes, I'm falling ... how much longer till I hit the ground?
I can not tell you why I'm breaking down.
Do you wonder why I prefer to be alone?
Have I really lost control?

I'm coming to an end,
I've realized what I could have been.
I can not sleep so I take a breath and hide behind my bravest mask,
I admit I've lost control.

Lost control
Life betrayed me again.
Admittedly, many things are unchanged.
I gently nudged you at the idea of ​​how to strengthen my agony ...
I'm thrown, but I have to keep my sanity.

Yes, I'm falling down ... how long before the landing?
I can not tell you why I crash.
Have you ever wondered why I preferred solitude?
Did I lose control?

I'm nearing the end,
Realizing what I was not destined to become.
I can not sleep, and I should rest, hiding behind the mask of courage.
Yes, I really lost control ...
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