Dedication for the LoveParade victims and their families.
Андре: «После трагических событий, произошедших на фестивале Love Parade, я утром написал маленькую композицию “In love with you”, которую посвящаю жертвам и их семьям. Надеюсь, эта мелодия поможет в печальные времена».
погиб 21 человек. В общей сложности, во время давки в Дуйсбурге пострадали 340 человек. 24.07.10
Dedication for the LoveParade victims and their families.
Andre: "After the tragic events that occurred at the Love Parade festival, I wrote a small song" In love with you "in the morning, which I devote to the victims and their families. I hope this melody will help in sad times. "
21 people were killed. In total, during the crush in Duisburg, 340 people were injured. 24-Jul-10