Текст песни Эта Джеймс - At Last

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At Last
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23.11.2022 | 08:28:01
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Для вашего ознакомления предоставлен текст песни Эта Джеймс - At Last, а еще перевод песни с видео или клипом. Также вы можете прослушать песню онлайн

At last
My love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song

Oh yeah yeah
At last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clovers
The night I looked at you

I found a dream, that I could speak to,
A dream that I could call my own.
I found a thrill to press my cheek to,
А thrill that I have never known.

Oh yeah yeah
You smiled, you smiled
Oh and the angel's spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine
At last

Моя любовь нашла меня,
Кончились мои одинокие дни,
И жизнь превратилась в песню.

О, да, да.
Надо мной появились голубые небеса,
Мое сердце словно было обернуто в четырехлистный клевер
В ночь, когда я увидела тебя.

Я нашла воплощение своих мечтаний 1, с которым могу поговорить,
Мечту, которая всегда будет со мной 2.
Я испытала трепет, прижимаясь к нему щекой,
Трепет, которого прежде не знала.

О, да, да.
Ты улыбнулся, ты улыбнулся,
О, ангелы потрудились не зря!
И теперь мы на седьмом небе от счастья,
Ибо теперь ты мой,
At Last
My love has come along
My Lonely Days are over
And Life is Like a Song

Oh Yeah Yeah
At Last
My Heart Was Wrapped Up in Clovers
The Night I Loucked at You

I Found a Dream, that I COULD SPEAK to,
I Found a Thrill To Press My Cheek to,
And Thrill That I have Never Known.

Oh Yeah Yeah
You smiled, you smiled
Oh and the Angel's Spell Was Cast
And Geere We are in Heaven
For you are mine
At Last

My love found me
My lonely days ended
And life turned into a song.

Oh yes yes.
Blue heavens appeared over me,
My heart was as if wrapped in a four -leaved clover
On the night when I saw you.

I found the embodiment of my dreams 1 with whom I can talk,
A dream that will always be with me 2.
I experienced awe, clinging to him with a cheek,
Awe that she did not know before.

Oh yes yes.
You smiled, you smiled
Oh, the angels worked for good reason!
And now we are in the seventh heaven with happiness
For now you are mine
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