Lyrics Depeche Modeпропр - Shake The Disease

Song title
Shake The Disease
Date added
14.01.2022 | 10:20:04
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Depeche Modeпропр - Shake The Disease, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

I'm not going down on my knees / Я не стану перед тобой на колени
Begging you to adore me / Умоляя тебя об взаимности
Can't you see it's misery / Разве ты не видишь, это же несчастье
And torture for me / И пытка для меня
When I'm misunderstood / Когда я не понят
Try as hard as you can / Попытайся изо всех сил, на которые ты способна
I've tried as hard as I could / Ведь я уже испробовал все
To make you see / Чтобы заставить тебя увидеть
How important it is for me / Как это важно для меня

Here is a plea / Это - призыв
From my heart to you / Моего сердца к тебе
Nobody knows me / Никто меня не знает
As well as you do / Не знаешь и ты
You know how hard it is for me / Знаешь, как же мне трудно
To shake the disease / Превозмочь робость
That takes hold of my tongue / Что сковывает мне язык
In situations like these / В таких ситуациях, как эта

Understand me /Пойми меня

Some people have to be / Кое-то из людей должны быть
Permanently together / Постоянно вместе
Lovers devoted / Любовники посвящают
To each other forever / Себя друг другу
Now I've got things to do / И теперь мне есть, чем заняться
And I've said before / И я раньше говорил
That I know you have too / Что, я знаю, ты тоже [сказала]
When I'm not there / Когда я не там
In spirit I'll be there / Душою я там
I'm not Going Down On My Knees / I will not be before you knees
BEGGING YOU TO ADORE ME / Being you about reciprocity
Can't You See It's Misery / Don't you see, it's misfortune
And Torture for me / and torture for me
WHEN I'm Misunderstood / When I do not understand
Try as hard as you can / try with all the forces you are capable
I'VE TRIED AS HARD AS I COULD / After all, I have already tried everything
To make you see / to make you see
How Important IT IS FOR ME / How important is it for me

Here IS A Plea / This is a call
From my heart to you / my heart to you
Nobody KNOWS ME / No one knows me
As well as you do / don't know
You know how hard it is for me / you know how hard it is
To Shake the Disease / overcome timidity
That Takes Hold of My Tongue / What Tongue Shots
In Situations Like Thesese / in situations such as this

Understand Me / Understand me

Some People Have To Be / Something from people should be
Permanently Together / Constantly together
Lovers Devoted / Lovers dedicate
To Each Other Forever / yourself to each other
Now I'Ve Got Things To Do / And now I have something to do
And I'Ve Said Beore / I used to spoke
That i know you have thoo / that i know you too [said]
WHEN I'm not there / when I'm not there
In spirit i'll be there / soul i'm there
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