Lyrics violin - sad melody

Song title
sad melody
Date added
11.09.2017 | 03:20:05
Views 128
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference violin - sad melody, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Мелодия из сериала "ВМЛ' Виконує Мирослава Которович та НКА "Київські солісти". Диригент Богодар Которович.
З сольного альбому Мирослави Которович "Creation" (2006)
A melody from the series "VML" performed by Miroslava Kotorovich and NSA "Kiev soloists". Conductor Bogodar Kotorovich.
From the solo album by Myroslava Kotorovich & quot; Creation & quot; (2006)
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