Lyrics Tom Hiddleston - The Code Of The Woosters By P.G. Wodehouse

Song title
The Code Of The Woosters By P.G. Wodehouse
Date added
10.02.2022 | 05:20:06
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Tom Hiddleston - The Code Of The Woosters By P.G. Wodehouse, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

I don’t know if you have had the same experience, but a thing I have found in life is that from time to time, as you jog along, there occur moments which you are able to recognize immediately with the naked eye as high spots. Something tells you that they are going to remain etched, if etched is the word I want, for ever on the memory and will come back to you at intervals down the years, as you are dropping off to sleep, banishing that drowsy feeling and causing you to leap on the pillow like a gaffed salmon.

Не знаю, как вы, а я уже давно установил, что в нашей жизни порой происходят события, которые резко меняют всё её течение, я такие эпизоды распознаю мгновенно и невооружённым глазом. Чутьё подсказывает мне, что они навеки запечатлеются в нашей памяти (кажется, я нашел правильное слово - запечатлеются) и будут долгие годы преследовать нас: ляжет человек вечером спать, начнёт погружаться в приятную дремоту и вдруг подскочит как ужаленный - вспомнил.
I DON'T KNOW IF You Have Had The Same Experience, But a Thing I Have Found In Life Is That From Time to Time, As You Jog Along, There Occur Moments Which You are Are Able to Recognize Immediately With the Naked Eye AS High Spots . Something TELLS YOU THAT THEY ARE GOING TO REMAIN ETCHED, IF ETCHED IS THE WORD I WANT, FOR EVER ON AT INTERVALS DOWN THE YEARS, AS You Are Dropping Off to Sleep, Banishing That Drowsy Feeling and Causing You to LEAP on the Pillow Like a Gaffed Salmon.

I do not know how you, and I have long established that there are sometimes events in our life, which dramatically change all its current, I recognize such episodes instantly and the naked eye. Self tells me that they forever capture in our memory (it seems I found the right word - capture) and there will be many years to pursue us: I will sleep in the evening to sleep, it will start to dive into a pleasant dormant and suddenly jumped like a stolen - remembered.
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