Lyrics OST Corpse Party - Darkness Drenched Catastrophe

Song title
Darkness Drenched Catastrophe
Date added
10.11.2023 | 20:20:06
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference OST Corpse Party - Darkness Drenched Catastrophe, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

kooritsuita keshiki
This frozen scenery...
Пейзажи, кажущиеся застывшими...

舞い降りた 僅(わず)かな
maiorita wazukana
Softly drifts past me...
Бесшумно проплывают возле меня...

希望さえ 閉ざされていくように消える
kibou sae tozasarete yuku you ni kieru
And slowly melts my hope away...
И медленно тает последняя надежда...

誰だって いつかわかれて しまう運命だと
dare datte itsuka wakarete shimau unmei dato
Everyone has to separate sometime. It's the finality of fate.
Момент неизбежного расставания...

その胸に刻み 生きてる
sono mune ni kizami ikiteru
Carved deep into my soul...
Оставляет глубокую рану в моём сердце.

sayonara no imi
Is the meaning of 'goodbye'.
Вот что означает «расставание».

I miss you... 降り注ぐ雨に
i miss you furisosogu ame ni
I miss you.The rain pours down.
Я скучаю по тебе...
А дождь льет, не прекращаясь...

I miss you... 問いかけるけれども答えは
i miss you toi kakeru keredo mo kotae wa
I miss you. No matter how I ask, the answer...
Я скучаю по тебе...
Кто подскажет, что мне теперь делать?

かすかに 滲んでく笑顔が
kasuka ni nijindeku egao ga
As well as your fading smile...
Глядя на твою грустную улыбку,

帰らぬ 過ぎた未来……
kaeranu sugita mirai
And our future drifts farther away...
Я понимаю, что у нас нет будущего.

どうしてこんなにも残酷な運命に 生きるの
doushite konnanimo zankoku na sadame ni ikiru no
Why was I born into such a cruel fate?
Почему мне выпала такая ужасная судьба?

闇夜に散る 花びら
yamiyo ni chiru hanabira
The petals scatter in the darkness of night.
Лепестки разбросаны в тёмной ночи.

sashinobeta yubisaki
I'm hanging on by a thread.
И вот опадает последний из них.

utsuriyuku kisetsu ni wasurareru itami
The seasons shift as if erasing my pain.
Со сменой времён года, стирается и моя боль.

悲しみは 気づかないまま
kanashimi wa kitsukanai mama
While ignoring all the sadness...
Игнорируя мою печаль...

ikite kieyuku koto
Just living life then fading away...
Жизнь то продолжается, то исчезает...

arifureta pe-ji mekureba
If you just turn the page...
И на очередной странице жизни вновь...


もう一度 笑顔で見つめて
mou ichido egao de mitsumete
Smile once more.
Хочу ещё хоть раз увидеть твою улыбку...

もう一度 抱きしめて欲しいと言わせ
凍りつい た 景色
Kooritsuita Keshiki
This Frozen Scenery ...
Landscapes seeming frozen ...

舞い 降り た 僅 (わ ず) かな
Maorita Wazukana
Softly Drifts Past ME ...
Silently swim near me ...

希望 さえ 閉ざさ れ て いく に 消える 消える
Kibou Sae Tozasarete Yuku You Ni Kieru
And Slowly Melts My Hope Away ...
And the last hope is melting slowly ...

誰 だっ て いつ か れ て しまう 運命 だ と
Dare Datte Itsuka Wakarete Shimau Unmei Dato
EVERYONE HAS to Separate Sometime. It's The Finality of Fate.
The moment of inevitable parting ...

その 胸 に 刻み 生き てる
Sono Mune Ni Kizami Ikiteru
Carved Deep Into My Soul ...
Leaves a deep wound in my heart.

さよなら の 意味… ...
Sayonara No IMI
Is the meaning of 'goodbye'.
This is what "parting" means.

I Miss You ... 降り 注ぐ に に
I Miss You Furisosogu Ame Ni
I Miss You.the Rain Pours Down.
I miss you...
And the rain pours without stopping ...

I Miss You ... 問いかける けれども は は
I Miss You Toi Kakeru Khedo Mo Kotae Wa
I Miss You. No Matter How I Ask, The Asswer ...
I miss you...
Who will tell you what to do now?

かすか に 滲ん でく 笑顔 が
kasuka ni nijindeku egao ga
As well as your fading smile ...
Looking at your sad smile

帰ら ぬ 過ぎ た 未来….
Karanu Sugita Mirai
And Oour Future Drifts Farther away ...
I understand that we have no future.

どう して こんな に も な 運命 に 生きる の
Dushite Konnanimo Zankoku Na Sadame Ni Ikiru no
Who was i born into such a Cruel Fate?
Why did I have such a terrible fate?

闇夜 に 散る 花びら
yamiyo ni chiru hanabira
The Petals Scatter in the Darkness of Night.
The petals are scattered in the dark night.

差し の べ た 指先
sashinobeta yubisaki
I'M Hanging on By A Thread.
And then the last of them falls.

移り 行く 季節 に 忘れ 痛み 痛み
The Seasons Shift as If Erasing My Pain.
With the change of seasons, my pain is also erased.

悲しみ は 気づか ない まま
Kanashimi wa kitsukanai mama
While ignoring All the Sadness ...
Ignoring my sadness ...

生き て 消えゆく こと
Ikite kieyuku koto
Just Living Life then Fading Away ...
Life continues, then disappears ...

ありふれ た ページ め くれ ば
Arifureta PE-Ji Mekureba
IF You Just Turn the Page ...
And on the next page of life again ...


もう 一 度 笑顔 で て て
mou ichido egao de mitsumete
Smile Once More.
I want to see your smile at least once ...

もう 一 度 抱きしめて 欲しい 言わ せ
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