Lyrics Mahabharata - Parashuram shlok

Song title
Parashuram shlok
Date added
04.05.2021 | 03:20:10
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Mahabharata - Parashuram shlok, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Agratah chaturo vedah pristhtah sasharam dhanuh Idam bramham idam kshatram shapadapi sharadapi

He who is well versed with the four Vedas and sports the bow and arrow upon His back (that is the one who has the radiance of both the Brahman and the Kshatriya) will destroy evildoers either with a curse or with an arrow.
Agratah Chaturo Vedah Приштаты Сашарам Дханух Идам Брамхем Идам Кшатрам Шападапи Шарадапи

Тот, кто хорошо разбирается с четырьмя ведами и спортом состязания и стрел на спине (то есть тот, кто имеет сияние как Брахмана, так и Кшатрия), уничтожит эвильсии либо с проклятием, либо со стрелкой.
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