Lyrics Depesh Mode - Alone

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23.11.2018 | 05:20:19
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Depesh Mode - Alone, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

I was there when you needed me most
I was there when you wanted me least
I was your father, your son, and your holy ghost and priest

Through your failures and success
Through your losses and gains
I didn't see much happiness or pain

I couldn't save your soul
I couldn't even take you home
I couldn't fill that hole

I saw you at your best
I knew you at your worst
I couldn't tell if you were blessed or cursed

There's a thin grey line
Between the black and white
It's evidently hard to find at night

I couldn't save your soul
I couldn't even take you home
I couldn't play that role

Now it's too, too late for words
That should have been said long ago

I was there when you needed me most
I was there when you wanted me least
I was your father, your son, and your holy ghost and priest

Я был там, когда ты нуждалась во мне,
Я был там, когда я был наименее нужен тебе,
Я был твоим отцом, сыном, святым духом и священником.

Сквозь твои неудачи и успехи,
Сквозь твои прибыли и убытки,
Я не видел избытка счастья или боли.

Я не мог спасти твою душу,
Я не мог дать тебе дом,
Я не мог заполнить эту дыру
В одиночку.

Я видел тебя в твоей лучшей форме,
Я знал тебя в твои худшие дни,
Я не мог сказать благословлена ты или проклята,
Есть тонкая серая линия между черным и белым,
Очевидно, что её сложно увидеть ночью.

Я не мог спасти твою душу,
Я не мог дать тебе дом,
Я не мог играть эту роль
В одиночку.

Сейчас уже слишком...
Слишком поздно для того, что нужно было сказать

Я был там, когда ты нуждалась во мне,
Я был там, когда я был наименее нужен тебе,
Я был твоим отцом, сыном, святым духом и священником.

Я не мог спасти твою душу,
Я не мог дать тебе дом,
Я не могу заполнить эту пустоту
В одиночку.
I couldn't save your soul
I couldn't even take you home
I couldn't fill that hole
I was there when you needed me most
I was there when you wanted me least
Ghost and priest

Through your failures and success
Through your losses and gains
I didn't see much happiness or pain

I couldn't save your soul
I couldn't even take you home
I couldn't fill that hole

I saw you at your best
I knew you at your worst
I couldn't tell if you were blessed or cursed

There's a thin gray line
Between the black and white
It's evidently hard to find at night.

I couldn't save your soul
I couldn't even take you home
I couldn't play that role

Now it's too late for words
That should have been said long ago

I was there when you needed me most
I was there when you wanted me least
Ghost and priest

I was there when you needed me,
I was there when you least needed me,
I was your father, son, holy spirit, and priest.

Through your failures and successes,
Through your profits and losses,
I did not see an excess of happiness or pain.

I could not save your soul,
I could not give you a house
I could not fill this hole
By oneself.

I saw you in your best form,
I knew you in your worst days,
I could not say you are blessed or damned
There is a thin gray line between black and white,
Obviously, it is difficult to see at night.

I could not save your soul,
I could not give you a house
I could not play this role
By oneself.

Too much now ...
Too late for what to say

I was there when you needed me,
I was there when you least needed me,
I was your father, son, holy spirit, and priest.

I could not save your soul,
I could not give you a house
I can't fill this void
By oneself.
I couldn't save your soul
I couldn't even take you home
I couldn't fill that hole
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