Lyrics Вера - Наша вера православна

Song title
Наша вера православна
Date added
14.08.2020 | 15:20:05
Views 1515
8 people consider the lyrics to be true
2 people consider the lyrics of the song incorrect

The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Вера - Наша вера православна, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Вера в Боге просиявших,
Святых князей - предков наших.
Вера вечна, вера славна,
Наша вера Православна! Православна!

Вера бедных и богатых,
Всех людей простых и знатных,
Наша вера Православна!
Вера наша благодатна.
Вера вечна, вера славна,
Наша вера Православна!

Родила святых народу,
Пить даёт живую воду.
Соль земли и миру мера,
Лучше нету этой веры.
Веры вечной, веры славной,
Нашей веры Православной!

Род славянский просветила,
Святой Русью окрестила.
Верой верной, верой славной,
Нашей верой Православной!

Вера истинная – вечна,
Вера наша бесконечна.
Есть и будет вера славна,
Наша вера Православна!
Вера вечна, вера славна,
Наша вера Православна! Православна!
Faith in God who shone forth
Holy princes - our ancestors.
Faith is eternal, faith is glorious
Our faith is Orthodox! Orthodox!

The faith of the poor and the rich
All people, simple and noble,
Our faith is Orthodox!
Our faith is blessed.
Faith is eternal, faith is glorious
Our faith is Orthodox!

Gave birth to saints to the people,
Drinking gives living water.
The salt of the earth and the measure of the world,
There is no better faith.
Eternal faith, glorious faith,
Our Orthodox faith!

The Slavic clan enlightened,
She baptized Holy Russia.
Faithful faith, glorious faith,
By our Orthodox faith!

True faith is eternal,
Our faith is endless.
Faith is and will be glorious
Our faith is Orthodox!
Faith is eternal, faith is glorious
Our faith is Orthodox! Orthodox!
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