Lyrics Буддийские Мантры - Иде Вере Вере

Song title
Иде Вере Вере
Date added
28.07.2014 | 10:30:40
Views 2654
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Буддийские Мантры - Иде Вере Вере, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

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Чтение этой мантры очищает ауру, улучшает здоровье,помогает обрести Вселенскую любовь, избавиться от страхов и сомнений..устраняет препятствия.

Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita ochun
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were

Очун - Богиня любви, чувственности и сексуальности, хозяйка всех пресных вод - рек, ручьев, родников и водопадов. Она - самая молодая из женщин - Ориша, но носит титул Великой Королевы. Она лечит людей своей водой, также к ней можно обращаться за помощью в финансовых проблемах, и, конечно, в любви.
Reading this mantra purifies the aura , improve health , helps to find universal love , fears and doubts .. removes obstacles .

Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita ochun
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were

Otchoun - Goddess of love , sexuality and sensuality , the mistress of all the fresh water - rivers, streams , springs and waterfalls. She - the youngest of the women - Orisha , but carries the title of the Great Queen. She treats people with its water, it can also seek help from financial problems , and , of course, love.