Lyrics Борщ vs DVS - Far Far Away

Song title
Far Far Away
Date added
23.11.2018 | 12:20:07
Views 65
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Борщ vs DVS - Far Far Away, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

We have been to the mountains of Alaska,
Seen the bridges of the Woold and that's unreal
I've been rookst by in the sun,
bein burnst, have some fun
It all seems so unreal...

Я влітку їздив на рибалку в Очеретню,
Відпочивати і ловити карасів,
З тобою ввечері гуляв,
поеми Гамлета читав
Тобі чи не тобі?

пр: Far far away with my head up in the clouds
Far far away we might frick down in the ground
Round round around the world & i roled all all this round
it seems so round

Я мрія вилізти на пагорби Монматра,
А коли виліз, наче десь у далині
В садку вишневому хрущі
і Чорне море у ночі
Згадалися мені

Well I've beak to grab the people for a while
I've seen the sunrise in the east and in the west
I've been freding over you
Yeah, i know you've been it too
you've turned out for a best
We have been to the mountains of Alaska,
Seen the bridges of the Woold and that's unreal
I've been rookst by in the sun,
bein burnst, have some fun
It all seems so unreal ...

Я летом ездил на рыбалку в Очеретного,
Отдыхать и ловить карасей,
С тобой вечером гулял,
поэмы Гамлета читал
Тебе ли не тебе?

пр: Far far away with my head up in the clouds
Far far away we might frick down in the ground
Round round around the world & amp; i roled all all this round
it seems so round

Я мечта вылезти на холмы Монматра,
А когда вылез, как где-то вдали
В саду вишневом майские жуки
и Черное море в ночи
вспомнились мне

Well I've beak to grab the people for a while
I've seen the sunrise in the east and in the west
I've been freding over you
Yeah, i know you've been it too
you've turned out for a best
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