Lyrics Батальон Восток - Воевали

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Date added
21.08.2020 | 15:20:06
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Батальон Восток - Воевали, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Посвящаем всем бойцам и воинам ополчения, батальону "Восток", "Кальмиус", "Оплот", ребятам из Спарты, Сомали, лично Моторолле, Гиви, Захару, Абхазу и всем, всем солдатам и отважным воинам ополчения и гвардии ДНР
We dedicate to all the fighters and soldiers of the militia, the battalion "Vostok", "Kalmius", "Oplot", the guys from Sparta, Somalia, personally Motorola, Givi, Zakhara, Abkhaz and all, all the soldiers and brave soldiers of the militia and guards of the DPR
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