Lyrics Рыжая Бестия - Goodbye To Yesterday

Song title
Goodbye To Yesterday
Date added
15.02.2022 | 13:20:03
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Рыжая Бестия - Goodbye To Yesterday, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

I woke up at 6 AM
Я проснулся в 6 утра.
My eyes were closed
Мои глаза были закрыты,
But my mind was awake
Но мой разум не дремал.
Pretended I was breathing in a deep sleep pace
Я притворился, что дышу в темпе крепкого сна.

Got dressed so quietly
Очень тихо оделся
I was frozen by the jingle of my keys at the door
И замер у двери, когда брякнули ключи.
As I got outside
Выбравшись на улицу,
I smiled to the dog
Я улыбнулся собаке.

I didn't wanna wake you up
Я не хотел разбудить тебя.
My love was never gonna be enough
Моей любви в любом случае было бы недостаточно,
So I took my things
Так что я собрал свои вещи
And got out of your way now girl
И освободил тебе дорогу, девочка.
Why didn't you wake me up?
Почему ты не разбудил меня?
I'm pretty sure I would have told you to stop
Почти уверена, я бы сказала тебе остановиться.
Let's try again
Давай попробуем еще раз
And say goodbye
И cкажем "Прощай!",
Goodbye to yesterday
"Прощай!" вчерашнему дню.

Why would you think like that?
Почему ты так думаешь?
Yeah we fight a lot
Да, мы много ссоримся,
But in the end
Но, в конце концов,
You and I we're a perfect match
Ты и я, мы идеально подходим друг другу.

I wouldn't want it any other way
Я бы не хотела, чтобы было иначе.
But now you're gone and I'm all alone
Но теперь ты ушел, и я одна.
Lying here naked
Лежу обнажённая
And staring at the phone
И пялюсь в телефон.

[Chorus: 2x]
[Припев: 2x]
I didn't wanna wake you up
Я не хотел разбудить тебя.
My love was never gonna be enough
Моей любви в любом случае было бы недостаточно,
So I took my things
Так что я собрал свои вещи
And got out of your way now girl
И освободил тебе дорогу, девочка.
Why didn't you wake me up?
Почему ты не разбудил меня?
I'm pretty sure I would have told you to stop
Почти уверена, я бы сказала тебе остановиться.
Let's try again
Давай попробуем еще раз
And say goodbye
И cкажем "Прощай!",
Goodbye to yesterday
"Прощай!" вчерашнему дню.

Goodbye to yesterday [2x]
"Прощай!" вчерашнему дню. [2x]
I Woke Up AT 6 AM
I woke up at 6 am.
My eyes Were Closed
My eyes were closed,
But My Mind Was Awake
But my mind was not dreamed.
Pretended I Was Breathing In A Deep Sleep Pace
I pretended to breathe at a tone of strong sleep.

Very quietly dressed
And measure the door when the keys were blocked.
Looking outside,
I smiled to the dog
I smiled a dog.

I Didn't Wanna Wake You Up
I did not want to wake you up.
My Love Was Never Gonna Be Enough
My love in any case would not enough
SO I Took My Things
So I collected my things
And freed you the road, girl.
Why Didn't you wake me up?
Why didn't you woke me up?
I'm Pretty Sure I Would Have Told You to Stop
Almost sure I would tell you to stop.
Let's Try Again
Let's try again
And Say Goodbye.
And the "Goodbye!",
Goodbye to Yesterday
"Goodbye!" Yesterday.

Why Would You Think Like That?
Why do you think so?
Yeah We Fight A Lot
Yes, we quarrel a lot,
But in the End
But, in the end,
You and I WE'RE A Perfect Match
You and I, we are perfectly approaching each other.

I Wouldn't Want It Any Other Way
I would not want to be otherwise.
But Now You're Gone and I'm All Alone
But now you left, and I am alone.
Lying Here Naced
Led nude
And beside the phone.

[Chorus: 2x]
[Chorus: 2x]
I Didn't Wanna Wake You Up
I did not want to wake you up.
My Love Was Never Gonna Be Enough
My love in any case would not enough
SO I Took My Things
So I collected my things
And freed you the road, girl.
Why Didn't you wake me up?
Why didn't you woke me up?
I'm Pretty Sure I Would Have Told You to Stop
Almost sure I would tell you to stop.
Let's Try Again
Let's try again
And Say Goodbye.
And the "Goodbye!",
Goodbye to Yesterday
"Goodbye!" Yesterday.

GoodBye to Yesterday [2x]
"Goodbye!" Yesterday. [2x]
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