На порог скакала,
Гостей поджидала.
Кашу варила,
Деток кормила.
Одному дала,
И второму дала,
И третьему дала,
Четвертому дала,
А пятому не дала:
Ты мал, дров не ломал,
В лес не ходил,
Воду не носил,
Воду не носил!
I rode on the threshold
Waiting for the guests.
I cooked porridge,
She fed the children.
I gave one,
And gave the second
And gave the third one,
I gave the fourth
And she didn't give the fifth:
You are small, you did not break wood,
I didn't go to the forest,
I didn't carry water,
I didn't carry water!