Lyrics Русская Императорская армия - Черноморцы-молодцы

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14.05.2020 | 03:20:04
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Русская Императорская армия - Черноморцы-молодцы, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Гдѣ вы, соколы бѣлые,
Гдѣ, вояки удалыя,
Гдѣ вы, старые бойцы?

Нѣтъ ужъ васъ, но всякій знаетъ
Ваши славныя дѣла!
Съ умиленьемъ вспоминаютъ
Всѣмъ родныя имена!

Гдѣ Нахимовъ отличался,
Гдѣ Корниловъ погрожалъ,
Гдѣ Истоминъ появлялся -
Всюду врагъ отъ насъ бѣжалъ!

Всѣ вы жизни не щадили,
Проливая кровь за Русь!
Много турокъ уложили,
Много англовъ и французъ!

Въ Севастопольской осадѣ
Было много храбрецовъ!
Каждый воинъ шелъ къ наградѣ
По слѣдамъ своихъ отцовъ!

Много тамъ героевъ пало
За Отчизну и Царя!
И надъ нами засіяла
Слава и вѣчная къ намъ заря!

Споемъ, братцы, вспоминая
Про дѣла нашихъ отцовъ,
Пѣсней звонкой прославляя
Чудны подвиги бойцовъ!

Пѣсней звонкой прославляя
Чудны подвиги бойцовъ!
Where are you white falcons
Black Sea fellows well done?
Where, the warriors udalyuya,
Where are you old fighters?

Nѣt already you, but everyone knows
Your glorious deeds!
Remember with emotion
All native names!

Where Nakhimov was different,
Gd Kornilov
Where Istomin appeared -
Everywhere the enemy is from us!

All of you did not spare your life,
Shedding blood for Russia!
Many Turks laid,
Many English and French!

The Sevastopol siege
There were a lot of brave men!
Every warrior went to awardsѣ
According to his father’s sons!

Many heroes fell there
For the Fatherland and the King!
And over us filled
Glory and eternal to us dawn!

Sing, brothers, remembering
About the cause of our fathers,
With glorious glory
Wonderful deeds of fighters!

With glorious glory
Wonderful deeds of fighters!
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