Lyrics Руслан Гаджинов - Цыма та

Song title
Цыма та
Date added
22.08.2020 | 14:20:02
Views 156
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Руслан Гаджинов - Цыма та, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Цыма та æрыхъалы мæ рагбонты фын, цыма,
Цыма та мæ зæрдæ фырцинæй тæлфы, цыма,
Цыма та æхсæрдзæн йæ нæрдæй фæхъус, цыма,
Цыма та æндзæвы дæ русыл мæ рус, цыма,
Цыма та дæ къахдзæфтыл ногæй цауын, цыма,
Цыма та дæ цуры куывддонау лæууын, цыма,
Цыма та дын ронгау мæй дары йæ рухс, цыма,
Цыма та æндзæвы дæ русыл мæ рус, цыма…

Цыма та, цыма та, цыма та, цыма,
Нæ амондмæ уарзæттау цæуæм нырмæ,
Бæрзонд уарзты циныл мæх цинтæ кæнæм,
Кæрæдзийы уындæй цæрæм… (2 хатты)

Цыма та дæ номæн фыццагæу цæрын, цыма,
Цыма та дæ номæй сыгъдæг ард хæрын, цыма,
Цыма та дæ уындæй мæ зæрдæ у буц, цыма,
Цыма та æндзæвы дæ русыл мæ рус, цыма…


Цыма та дæм агурæг уайы дæ мад, цыма,
Цыма ды нæма дæ кæйдæры нырма, цыма,
Цыма та дæ цинæй нæ дуне ныррухс, цыма,
Цыма та æндзæвы дæ русыл мæ рус, цыма…

Cymbals are also the most common type of rabies, cymbals,
What a wonderful way to screw people over.
What a wonderful way to screw people over.
Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian
The same goes for the kahdzæftyl nogæi tsaw, cym,
Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.
Cymma ta din rongau mey medicine yare ruhs, cima,
Both Russian and Russian, Russian and Russian ...

How much, how much, how much, how much,
Nor amondmæ uarzættau cæuæm nyrmæ,
I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm looking forward to it ... (2 letters)

What a wonderful way to screw people over.
What a wonderful way to screw people over.
It's not like I'm playing, it's just that,
Both Russian and Russian, Russian and Russian ...


The same thing applies with acne.
What's so significant about a goat's head? "
Don't be silly, don't be silly, don't be silly, don't be silly, don't be silly, don't be silly, don't be silly, don't be silly.
Both Russian and Russian, Russian and Russian ...

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