Lyrics Рождество Пресвятой Богородицы - Тропарь

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Date added
24.05.2020 | 22:20:18
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Рождество Пресвятой Богородицы - Тропарь, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Тропарь праздника, гласъ 4

Рождество Твое, Богородице Дѣво,
радость возвѣсти всей вселенней:
изъ Тебе бо возсія Солнце Правды, Христосъ Богъ нашъ,
и, разрушивъ клятву, даде благословеніе,
и, упразднивъ смерть, дарова намъ животъ вѣчный.

Кондакъ праздника, гласъ 4

Іоакимъ и Анна поношенія безчадства
и Адамъ и Ева отъ тли смертныя свободистася, Пречистая,
во святемъ Рождествѣ Твоемъ.
То празднуютъ и людіе Твои,
вины прегрѣшеній избавльшеся,
внегда звати Ти:
неплоды раждаетъ Богородицу и Питательницу Жизни нашея.
Troparion of the Holiday, voice 4

Thy Nativity, Virgin Mother of God,
the joy of raising the whole universe:
I wish you the sun of truth, Christ our God,
and, breaking the oath, I will give blessing,
and, having abolished death, granted us an eternal stomach.

Kondak holiday, voice 4

Ioakim and Anna reproach of remorselessness
and Adam and Eve were aphids of mortality free, the Most Pure,
in holy Christmas. Thy.
Thy celebrate your people,
the guilt of getting rid
always call ti:
The Mother of God and the Nourisher of Our Life is born of badness.
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