Lyrics Радмила Караклаич - To su bili ti dani...

Song title
To su bili ti dani...
Date added
06.08.2020 | 23:20:03
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Радмила Караклаич - To su bili ti dani..., and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Једном негде беше крчма мала,
тако често седеле смо ту.
Наша љубав чинила се вечна,
живот је пред нама био дуг.

Сети се љубави, сети се прошлости
уз онај плес што беше само наш,
Били смо решени да ћемо остати
једно уз другом док траје овај свет.

Године су прошле тако брзо,
несвесно пожелех, драги мој,
да те опет сретнем у тој крчми,
још сам млада рекох себи то.


Знала сам да једном мораш доћи,
спазих те и беше јасно тад
у твом срцу као и у моме
стари снови исти су и сад.

Once upon a time there was a small inn,
we sat there so often.
Our love seemed eternal,
life was long before us.

Remember love, remember the past
with that dance that was just ours,
We were determined to stay
side by side while this world lasts.

The years went by so fast,
I unconsciously wished, my dear,
to meet you again in that tavern,
I told myself that when I was young.


I knew you had to come one day,
I saw you and it was clear then
in your heart as well as in mine
old dreams are the same now.

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