Lyrics ЗАРУБ.Josefin Nilsson - Where The Whales Have Ceased To Sing

Song title
Where The Whales Have Ceased To Sing
Date added
07.02.2021 | 06:20:08
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference ЗАРУБ.Josefin Nilsson - Where The Whales Have Ceased To Sing, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

1.There's an old man throwing breadcrumbs to the sparrows. Sitting ow a bench beside the childrens playground. And he nods and he smiles as he hears the careless laughren. As i sit and watch the old man and the children. There's a cold and lonely feeling running througn me. It is late in the day and the air is getting chilly.
And it's time to go home,soon the shadows will be falling.
Есть старик, бросающий крошки в воробьев. Сидевший на скамье около детской площадки. И он кивает, и улыбается, поскольку он слышит небрежный смех. Поскольку я сижу и наблюдаю за стариком и детьми. Есть холодное и одинокое чувство, бегущее возле меня. Это поздно вечером , и воздух становится холодным. И пришло время идти домой, скоро тень будет опускаться.
Припев.AND I LL SPEND ANOTHER NIGHT. Waiting for the morning light. Like so many nights before, till his key is in the door. I m amazed at all his words soaring like the flight of birds. But the message they can bring. Is the flutter of a wind Making ripples in an ocean. Where the whales have ceased to sing.
И я провожу эту ночь....
Ожидание утреннего света. Как очень много ночей прежде, пока его ключ не находится в двери. Я поражен всеми его словами, взлетающими как полет птиц. Но его слова могут принести послание. Порхание ряби Создания ветра в океане. Где киты прекратили петь.
2.Down the slide she comes, my sisters youngest daughter. Giggles ringing in the air like clear blue water. And her hand is so warm and so confident and sandy. Lately i've a constant need to see them happy. Somthing breaks whenever one of them is crying. Looking back as we leave, i can see the beanch is emply. But the sparrows remain and as ever keep on searching.
Вниз понижение она приезжает, моя сестринская самая младшая дочь. Хихиканье, звенящее в воздухе как прозрачное открытое море. И ее рука является настолько теплой и настолько уверенной и песчаной. В последнее время у меня есть постоянная потребность видеть их счастливые. Свет ломается всякий раз, когда один из них кричит. Оглядываюсь назад, поскольку мы уезжаем, я могу видеть, что они улетают. Но воробьи остаются и как всегда продолжают искать.
1.There's an old man throwing breadcrumbs to the sparrows. Sitting ow a bench beside the childrens playground. And he nods and he smiles as he hears the careless laughren. As i sit and watch the old man and the children. There's a cold and lonely feeling running througn me. It is late in the day and the air is getting chilly.
And it's time to go home, soon the shadows will be falling.
There is an old man throwing crumbs at sparrows. Sitting on a bench near the playground. And he nods, and smiles as he hears a casual laugh. As I sit and watch the old man and the children. There is a cold and lonely feeling running around me. It's late at night and the air is getting cold. And it's time to go home, soon the shadow will fall.
Chorus: AND I LL SPEND ANOTHER NIGHT. Waiting for the morning light. Like so many nights before, till his key is in the door. I m amazed at all his words soaring like the flight of birds. But the message they can bring. Is the flutter of a wind Making ripples in an ocean. Where the whales have ceased to sing.
And I spend this night ...
Waiting for the morning light. Like so many nights before, until his key is in the door. I am amazed at all of his words, flying like a flight of birds. But his words can bring a message. Fluttering ripples Creations of wind in the ocean. Where the whales stopped singing.
2.Down the slide she comes, my sisters youngest daughter. Giggles ringing in the air like clear blue water. And her hand is so warm and so confident and sandy. Lately i've a constant need to see them happy. Somthing breaks whenever one of them is crying. Looking back as we leave, i can see the beanch is emply. But the sparrows remain and as ever keep on searching.
Down the slide she comes, my sister's youngest daughter. A chuckle ringing in the air like a clear open sea. And her hand is so warm and so confident and gritty. Lately, I have a constant need to see them happy. The light breaks whenever one of them screams. Looking back as we leave, I can see them flying away. But the sparrows remain and, as always, continue to search.
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