Lyrics Дугин А - Постмодерн 4 лекция

Song title
Постмодерн 4 лекция
Date added
29.03.2020 | 20:20:05
Views 21
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Дугин А - Постмодерн 4 лекция, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Лекция 4 - "философско-социологическая основа перехода от премодерна к модерну: сакральное и реальное" - от 02/10/2013
Межфакультетский курс А. Дугина "Социология и философия постмодерна"
Lecture 4 - “The philosophical and sociological basis of the transition from premodern to modern: sacred and real” - from 02/10/2013
Interfaculty course of A. Dugin "Sociology and Philosophy of Postmodernism"
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