Lyrics Therapist - Escape Velocity

Song title
Escape Velocity
Date added
22.09.2020 | 22:20:17
Views 41
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Therapist - Escape Velocity, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

01.AuroraX - Walking Monotones [Sonic Loom Music]
02.Dj Kundalini - A Couple of Nights [Geomagnetic TV]
03.E-mantra - Kaleidoscope Clouds [Altar Records]
04.Astronaut Ape - Alive [Microcosmos Records]
05.Distant System - Astropolis [Celestial Dragon Records]
06.Momentum - Cloudsurfing [Sonic Loom Music]
07.Distant System - Gravitational Vortices [Celestial Dragon Records]
08.Spiritual Silence - Siberian Spirit [Unreleased track]
09.Aes Dana - Aftermath #5 [Ultimae Records]
10.Aes Dana - Memory Shell (Lost Radio E-dit) [Ultimae Records]
11.Siebzehn - Sacred Communication [Altar Records]
12.unreleased track [unreleased ]
13.unreleased track [unreleased ]
14.Aes Dana - Heights / Shouting Valley [Ultimae Records]
15.Solar Fields - Monogram [Ultimae Records]
16.AuroraX - Human Navigations [Altar Records]
01.AuroraX - Walking Monotones [Музыка Sonic Loom]
02. Дж. Кундалини - Пара ночей [Геомагнитное телевидение]
03.Э-мантра - Облака-калейдоскоп [Записи алтаря]
04. Astronaut Ape - Alive [Microcosmos Records]
05. Дистанционная система - Астрополис [Записи Небесного Дракона]
06.Momentum - Cloudsurfing [Музыка Sonic Loom]
07. Дистанционная система - гравитационные вихри [Записи Небесного Дракона]
08.Spiritual Silence - Siberian Spirit [Неизданный трек]
09. Aes Dana - Aftermath # 5 [Ultimae Records]
10. Aes Dana - Memory Shell (Lost Radio E-dit) [Ultimae Records]
11. Сибзен - Священное общение [Записки алтаря]
12. неизданный трек [неизданный]
13. неизданный трек [неизданный]
14. Aes Dana - Heights / Shouting Valley [Ultimae Records]
15. Солнечные поля - монограмма [Ultimae Records]
16.AuroraX - Human Navigations [Записи алтаря]
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