Lyrics Sung Si Kyung - She

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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Sung Si Kyung - She, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

She may be the face I can't forget,
Она может быть той, чьё лицо я не смогу забыть,
A trace of pleasure or regret,
Следом удовольствия или сожаления.
May be my treasure or
Может быть моим сокровищем или
The price I have to pay
Ценой, что мне придётся заплатить.

She may be the song that summer sings,
Она может быть песней, которую поёт лето,
May be the chill that autumn brings,
А может быть холодом, который приносит осень.
May be a hundred different things
Она может быть сотней разных вещей
Within the measure of a day.
В течение одного дня.

She may be the beauty or the beast,
Она может быть красавицей или чудовищем,
May be the famine or the feast,
Может быть голодом или изобилием.
May turn each day into a
Может превратить любой день
Heaven or a hell.
В рай или в ад.

She may be the mirror of my dream,
Она может быть зеркалом моих снов,
A smile reflected in a stream,
Улыбкой, отражающейся в реке.
She may not be what she may seem
Она может быть не тем, чем она кажется,
Inside her shell.
Внутри своей оболочки.

She who always seems so happy in a crowd,
Она всегда выглядит такой счастливой на людях,
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud,
Её глаза могут быть такими загадочными или такими гордыми,
No one's allowed to see them
Но никому не позволено видеть их,
When they cry.
Когда они плачут...

She may be the love that cannot hope to last,
Она может быть любовью, которая не надеется быть вечной,
May come to me from shadows of the past,
Она может выйти ко мне из сумрака прошлого,
That I remember till the day I die.
Которое я помню, пока я жив.

She may be the reason I survive,
Она может быть причиной, по которой я живу,
The why and wherefore I'm alive,
Теми "почему" и "ради чего",
The one I'll care for through the
Той, о которой я буду заботиться
Rough and rainy years
В трудные и ненастные годы.

Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
И я возьму её смех и её слёзы
And make them all my souvenirs
И оставляю их себе на память,
For where she goes I've got to be.
Потому что я должен быть рядом с ней.
The meaning of my life is she, she, she
She may be the face
She may be the one whose face I can not forget
A trace of pleasure or regret,
Following pleasure or regret.
May be my treasure or
Maybe my treasure or
The price I have to pay
The price that I have to pay.

She may be the song that summer sings,
It can be the song that summer sings,
May be the chill that autumn brings,
And maybe the cold that brings autumn.
May be a hundred different things
She can be a hundred different things.
Within the measure of a day.
In one day.

She may be the beauty or the beast
She can be a beauty or a monster,
May be the famine or the feast,
May be hunger or abundance.
May turn each day into a
Can turn any day
Heaven or a hell.
To heaven or to hell.

She may be the mirror of my dream,
She can be the mirror of my dreams,
A smile reflected in a stream,
A smile reflected in the river.
She may not be what she may seem
She may not be what she seems
Inside her shell.
Inside its shell.

She who always seems so happy in a crowd,
She always looks so happy in public
Whose eyes can be so private
Her eyes can be so mysterious or so proud
No one's allowed to see them
But no one is allowed to see them,
When they cry.
When they cry ...

She may be
It can be love that does not hope to be eternal,
May come to me from shadows of the past,
She can come to me from the twilight of the past,
I die.
Which I remember while I'm alive.

She may be the reason I survive,
She may be the reason I live,
Why and wherefore i'm alive,
Those "why" and "for what",
The one I'll care for through the
The one I will take care of
Rough and rainy years
In difficult and inclement years.

Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
And I will take her laugh and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
And I keep them for myself,
For where she goes
Because I have to be near her.
She, she, she
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