Lyrics She Wolf - Мой кавер

Song title
Мой кавер
Date added
05.10.2021 | 04:20:13
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference She Wolf - Мой кавер, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

A shot in the dark,
Выстрел в ночи,
A past lost in space,
Прошлое, затерявшееся в космосе,
And where do I start?
И с чего мне начать?
The past and the chase...
Прошлое и погоня...
You hunted me down
Ты затравил меня,
Like a wolf, a predator.
Как волк, как хищник.
I felt like a deer in love lights.
Я чувствовала себя оленем в свете любви. 1

You loved me, and I froze in time,
Ты любил меня, а я застыла во времени,
Hungry for that flesh of mine,
Ты жаждешь моей плоти,
But I can't compete with the she wolf,
Но я не могу тягаться с волчицей,
Who has brought me to my knees.
Которая поставила меня на колени.
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
Что ты видишь в этих желтых глазах?
Cause I'm falling to pieces.
Я просто разбиваюсь на части.

I'm falling to pieces,
Я разбиваюсь на части,
I'm falling to pieces,
Я разбиваюсь на части,
I'm falling to pieces,
Я разбиваюсь на части,
Falling to pieces...
Разбиваюсь на части...

Did she lie in wait?
Она затаилась в ожидании?
Was I bait to pull you in
Была ли я приманкой, чтобы выманить тебя?
The thrill of the kill.
Трепет убийства...
You feel is a sin
Ты чувствуешь, что это грех.
I lay with the wolves
Я лежала среди волков
Alone it seems,
Одна. Кажется,
I thought I was part of you.
Я считала себя частью тебя.

You loved me, and I froze in time,
Ты любил меня, а я застыла во времени,
Hungry for that flesh of mine,
Ты жаждешь моей плоти,
But I can't compete with the she-wolf,
Но я не могу тягаться с волчицей,
Who has brought me to my knees.
Которая поставила меня на колени.
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
Что ты видишь в этих желтых глазах?
Cause I'm falling to pieces.
Я просто разбиваюсь на части.

But I can't compete with the she wolf,
Но я не могу тягаться с волчицей,
Who has brought me to my knees.
Которая поставила меня на колени.
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
Что ты видишь в этих желтых глазах?
Cause I'm falling to pieces.
Я просто разбиваюсь на части.

I'm falling to pieces,
Я разбиваюсь на части,
I'm falling to pieces,
Я разбиваюсь на части,
I'm falling to pieces,
Я разбиваюсь на части,
Falling to pieces...
Разбиваюсь на части..
A shot in the dark
Shot in the night
Past, lost in space,
And where do I start?
And why should I start?
The Past and the chase ...
Past and pursuit ...
You Hunted Me Down
You raised me
Like A Wolf, A Predator.
Like a wolf like a predator.
I Felt Like A Deer In Love Lights.
I felt a deer in the light of love. 1

You Loved Me, and I Froze in Time,
You loved me, and I froze in time,
Hungry for That Flesh of Mine
You're crazy my flesh,
But i can't compete with the she wolf
But I can't hide with a wolf,
Who Has Brought Me to My Knees.
Which put me on his knees.
What do you See in thosee Yellow Eyes?
What do you see in these yellow eyes?
Cause I'm Falling to Pieces.
I just divide into parts.

I'm Falling to Pieces,
I am broken into parts
I'm Falling to Pieces,
I am broken into parts
I'm Falling to Pieces,
I am broken into parts
Falling to Pieces ...
We divide into parts ...

Did She Lie in Wait?
Did she hide waiting?
Was I bait to put out you?
The Thrill of the Kill.
Thrill murder ...
You feel is a sin
You feel this sin.
I was lying among the wolves
Alone IT Sems,
One. Seems,
I Thought I Was Part of You.
I considered myself part of you.

You Loved Me, and I Froze in Time,
You loved me, and I froze in time,
Hungry for That Flesh of Mine
You're crazy my flesh,
But i can't compete with the she-wolf
But I can't hide with a wolf,
Who Has Brought Me to My Knees.
Which put me on his knees.
What do you See in thosee Yellow Eyes?
What do you see in these yellow eyes?
Cause I'm Falling to Pieces.
I just divide into parts.

But i can't compete with the she wolf
But I can't hide with a wolf,
Who Has Brought Me to My Knees.
Which put me on his knees.
What do you See in thosee Yellow Eyes?
What do you see in these yellow eyes?
Cause I'm Falling to Pieces.
I just divide into parts.

I'm Falling to Pieces,
I am broken into parts
I'm Falling to Pieces,
I am broken into parts
I'm Falling to Pieces,
I am broken into parts
Falling to Pieces ...
I divide into parts ..
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