Lyrics Rin and Len Kagamine - Prisoner of Love and Desire

Song title
Prisoner of Love and Desire
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17.12.2020 | 10:20:04
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Rin and Len Kagamine - Prisoner of Love and Desire, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

廻る運命論のその先で mawaru unmeiron no sono saki de The fatalism that goes around in circles.
僕と一緒に踊ろうよ boku to issho ni odorou yo Wherever it leads us. Let's dance with me.
狂った愛に囚われた 愛欲のプリズナー kurutta ai ni torawareta aiyoku no purizunaa A prisoner of love and desire who is obsessed with insane love.

豪奢な棺の前で【不幸】な女が泣いてる gousha na hitsugi no mae de 【fukou】 na onna ga naiteru A woman who has no luck is crying in front of luxury coffin.
君に愛された者は【呪われ】て死んでしまうらしい? kimi ni aisareta mono wa 【noroware】te shinde shimau rashii? They say that a man who loved by you will be cursed and end up dead.

さめざめと嘆く君の か細いその手を取って 優しい王子が慰めよう samezame to nageku kimi no kabosoi sono te o totte yasashii boku ga nagusameyou I will hold your skinny fragile hand while you're weeping. Let a gentle prince comfort you.

忘れたいの? wasuretai no? Do you want to forget?
そう......なら、もっと強請りなよ? 背徳の哀に溺れて...... sou ...... nara, motto yokubari yo? haitoku no ai ni oborete...... I see... then why don't you ask me for more? Drown in corrupt grief…

廻れ 運命論の、その先で 欲の髄まで貪って maware unmeiron no, sono saki de yoku no zui made musabotte Go around and around. Wherever the fatalism leads us.
狂った愛の牢獄に繋がれて 踊ろう kurutta ai no rougoku ni tsunagarete odorou In the marrow of my desire, I suck it dry till there's nothing left. Let's dance while chained in prison of insane love.
ぐるぐる guruguru Round and round.

代替愛で埋めていく daitai ai de umete iku You try to fill your heart with replaceable love.
その心は傷だらけ sono kokoro wa kizu darake Your heart is filled with scars.
どうやったって満たされない dou yattatte mitasarenai Nothing can make you satisfied.
愛欲のプリズナー aiyoku no purizunaa A prisoner of love and desire.

名声、地位、富、容姿と meisei, chi'i, tomi, youshi to Fame, status, wealth, and perfect appearance.
すべてを手に入れた王子は subete o te ni ireta boku wa As a prince, I have everything.
本当に望む願いだけ 叶わない【呪い】にかかる hontou ni nozomu negai dake kanawanai 【noroi】 ni kakaru But I am cursed to never get something I really want.

今宵も 棺が増えて koyoi mo hitsugi ga fuete Tonight, another coffin is brought.
君の泣き声が響く kimi no nakigoe ga hibiku I hear you weep.
増えすぎて、もう 誰が誰なんだい? fuesugite, mou dare ga dare nandai? There're so many coffins that I can't tell who's who.

繰り返される【不幸】な愛の喪失は kurikaesareru 【fukou】 na ai no soushitsu wa Unfortunate lost of love has been repeated.
【必然】の気味の運命? 【hitsuzen】 no kimi no sadame? Is this your inevitable fate?

廻れ 運命論の、その先で 欲の髄まで貪って maware unmeiron no, sono saki de yoku no zui made musabotte Go around and around. Wherever the fatalism leads us.
狂った愛の牢獄に繋がれて 歌おう kurutta ai no rougoku ni tsunagarete utaou In the marrow of my desire, I suck it dry till there's nothing left. Let's sing while chained in prison of insane love.
縷々縷々 ruirui ruirui Lulu... Lulu…

代替愛で埋めていく daitai ai de umete iku You try to fill your heart with replaceable love.
その傷口 舐め合えば sono kizuguchi name ae ba Licking each other's wounds.
嗚呼、ちょっとは満たされた? aa, chotto wa mitasareta? Ah, did it make you feel a bit better?
愛欲のプリズナー aiyoku no purizunaa A prisoner of love and desire.

君が恋をする度に kimi ga koi o suru tabi ni Each time you fall in love.
愛した男は死んでいく aishita otoko wa shinde iku Those men you had loved ended up dead.
嗚呼、かわいそうに、嗚呼、かわいそうに...... aa, kawaisou ni, aa, kawaisou ni...... Ah, I feel sorry. Ah, I feel sorry...
僕が慰めるから...... boku ga nagusameru kara...... Let me comfort you…

でも何故なの? demo naze nano? But here's something I don't get.
何度泣いても  nando naite mo You cry again and again.
君は【次】を求める...... kimi wa 【tsugi】 o motomeru...... You still won't stop looking for another…
何故、こうまで罪深い......? naze, kou made tsumibukai ......? What makes you that sinful...?
そろそろ、いい加減 soro soro, ii kagen Don't you think it's enough?
もう諦めたら? mou akirametara? Don't you think it's about time to give up?

廻る運命論の、その先で  meguru unmeiron no, sono saki de The fatalism that goes around in circles.
僕と一緒に踊ろうよ boku to issho ni odorou yo Wherever it leads us. Let's dance with me.
望んだって叶わないさ 君が待つハッピーエンドは nozondatte kanawanai sa kimi ga matsu happii endo wa No matter how much you want it to, a happy ending that you're waiting for won't come.

ねぇねぇ nee nee Hey
もう気付いてるかな? 作られた【不幸】 mou kizuiteruka na? tsukurareta 【fushiawase】 Have you realized that your tragedy is intended?
嗚呼、【誰】がそんなことを......? aa, 【dare】 ga sonna koto o ......? Oh, who would do such a thing...?
......いやいや、 ......iya iya, ... No, no... none would.
【呪い】のせいだよね? 【noroi】 no sei da yo ne? It's a curse, right?

今日も 運命論を振りかざし kyou mo unmeiron o furikazashi Today I wield the fatalism again.
僕の手は赤く染まる boku no te wa akaku somaru And my hands are covered with blood.
狂った哀の牢獄に繋がれる為の 【罪】作り kurutta ai no rougoku ni tsunagareru tame no 【tsumi】 zukuri I make myself guilty to get chained in prison of insane sadness.

ない、ない、僕は心無し? nai, nai, boku wa kokoro nashi? Less, less, am I heartless?
傷だらけのパラノイア? kizu darake no paranoia? Am I being paranoia of a b
Счастливый конец, которого вы ждете, - это nozondatte kanawanai sa kimi ga matsu Happii endo wa Как бы вы этого ни хотели, счастливый конец, которого вы ждете, не наступит.

Эй, урожденная, эй
Вы это еще не заметили? Made [несчастный] mou kizuiteruka na? Tsukurareta [fushiawase] Вы поняли, что ваша трагедия умышленно?
Эй, [кто] это делает ...? аа, [смеет] га сонна кото о ...? Ах, кто бы мог такое сделать ...?
...... Нет, ...... ия ия, ... Нет, нет ... никто бы не стал.
Это из-за [проклятия], верно? [Noroi] no sei da yo ne? Это проклятие, верно?

Сегодня я также владею теорией судьбы kyou mo unmeiron o furikazashi Сегодня я снова владею фатализмом.
Мои руки окрашены в красный цвет «боку но тэ ва акаку сомару» И мои руки залиты кровью.
Kurutta ai no rougoku ni tsunagareru tame no [tsumi] zukuri Я делаю себя виноватым, что попал в тюрьму безумной печали.

Нет, нет, у меня нет сердца? Най, най, боку ва кокоро наши? Меньше, меньше, я бессердечный?
Паранойя, полная царапин? Кизу дараке нет паранойи? Я паранойя а б
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